March brings lighter, brighter, longer days and won’t be long until the clocks go forward giving us
longer evenings to hopefully spend outside in our gardens as the days grow a little warmer too.
Though I do hope nobody reading this will be booby-trapping their daffodils like Ellen Willmott (page
32) is reputed to have done. My fingers are crossed that this year’s colder winter will have
decimated the slugs that munched their way through my spring blooms last year – but even if I
don’t have as many daffodils as I hope then at least I’ll have a lovely sunshine-y spring is here hoop
(page 28) to display on my mantelpiece.
Easter is late this year – falling nearly as late as it possibly can – on April 20th, which means that
this month brings Shrove Tuesday or, as it’s better known today, Pancake Day. I’ll definitely be
flipping my pancakes on the fourth and have included a recipe for traditional British Pancakes
(perfect for flipping) in the recipe section.
The Bustle & Sew Magazine is the work of just one woman, me(!) Helen Grimes, the founder of and creative force behind the Bustle & Sew bunny. So if you’re expecting a glossy high-street, high-budget publication, stuffed with adverts and promotions, then this probably isn’t the magazine for you. But if you’re looking for quirky, unusual and fun sewing projects, all with my unique style, and enjoy filling your home with beautiful ideas, then you’re sure to love the Bustle & Sew Magazine.
Although stitching is very much at the heart of each edition, I also include lots of other articles and features. Seasonal recipes, craft ideas, poetry corner and much more besides, all celebrating life here in the English countryside that combine to make this a totally unique publication!
Don’t forget, you are free to sell items you personally have made from Bustle & Sew patterns. All the templates are included at full size, so there’s no awkward re-sizing – no fiddling around with photocopiers or hanging around at printing shops. You can start creating straight away! I don’t mind if you personally want to make items to sell from my patterns, but you are not licensed to go into mass production.
Just click on the image below for a peep between the covers: