The Bustle & Sew Magazine is simply the nicest way to build your collection of Bustle & Sew patterns and a jolly good read too!
Click on the image above to preview the July issue
Are you like me? Do you have a hidden fabric stash tucked away in cupboards and drawers? (though mine’s not very hidden after it fell out of my cupboard onto poor Ben’s head!)
Would you like some lovely ideas to help you use it to create new and wonderful projects that friends and family will be queuing up to take possession of?

Do you enjoy baking, crafting and reading about other inspirational makers too?
If so, you’re sure to enjoy my Bustle & Sew Magazine. It’s a monthly e-magazine emailed direct to your inbox on the last Thursday of every month as a normal pdf file that’s quick and easy to download and print – or to enjoy on your mobile device if you prefer.
Every month in the magazine
Every month the magazine contains SIX original Bustle & Sew designs (not all of which will be later made available for individual purchase, but will remain exclusive to magazine readers).
Techniques and projects include …
Hand and freestyle machine embroidery


Patchwork and quilting
And many other projects for your home and family as well as being packed full of additional articles and features including “Meet the Maker”, a baking corner, best of the web and so much more.
A look inside a recent issue
Why should I subscribe, rather than purchase individual copies of the Bustle & Sew Magazine?
When you subscribe you’ll receive

A substantial (36%) discount on the price of individual magazines. Subscribers receive an amazing value price of just $7.50 (that’s around £5) each month (so each magazine costs just $1 more than the price of an individual pattern)
Your magazine delivered to your in-box each month so you’ll never miss an issue
You’re protected from all future price rises – your subscription will ALWAYS remain the same, it will NEVER increase – that’s my promise to you
50% discount voucher for all purchases from the Bustle & Sew store valid as long as you remain a subscriber
Free Bustle & Sew Spring Collection of patterns
Receive our Spring 2015 Collection of patterns and the June 2015 issue – free when you subscribe!
We’re delighted to be giving away our digital book – a collection of TEN favourite Bustle & Sew patterns for Spring.
Please click the button below
Activate your membership today and receive all the subscriber benefits above immediately as well as your FREE COPY of the magazine!
I’m making you this offer because I’m really proud of the Bustle & Sew Magazine and I’d like to help you enjoy your sewing and creativity in your everyday life. Whether you’re just starting out or an experienced stitcher, whether you want to make a gift for your granny, a welcome present for a new baby, or something just for you, then you’re sure to find a project you love inside the covers of the Bustle & Sew Magazine.

But don’t take my word for it – here’s what some current subscribers have to say about the Bustle & Sew Magazine ….
Helen, I had to write to say, “I am in love with your magazine.” This is the only magazine I have found where ALL the projects and info are to my taste. This is only my second issue, but I’m sure all future publications will be great. As I am ‘into’ mice at the moment, I am loving making the little mice.. Thank you so much, Cheryl
What a lovely surprise it was to open my ipad today and see that your wonderful magazine was waiting to be downloaded. I had had one of “those”days yesterday and was still feeling very ‘bleurgh’ when I got up, but your magazine is a bright light on the horizon. I shall look forward to perusing it accompanied by a large mug of coffee (and maybe a few biscuits) later – I am already looking forward to making Miss Fox and the butterflies and that’s just from a quick squint at the cover! Kind regards Judith
Just opened my April issue of Bustle and Sew, and am delighted with every page. Even if I never were to sew a stitch, I would enjoy reading the magazine because it is “eye candy.” You are so very talented! Susan xx
Hi Helen, I just wanted to say how much I love all the new patterns this month, I just dont know how you find the time to put everything together month after month to keep us in anticipation for the following month. It must be a full time job, and I have been with you ever since the first issue. Maria
Now if at any time during your subscription you feel that the Bustle & Sew Magazine isn’t for you, then you can cancel your membership AND keep your free gifts as my way of saying “thank you” for trying out my magazine. However, I do hope you’ll enjoy it and decide to continue with your subscription. If so, then you need do nothing and after your first month your membership will be billed at $7.50 (around £5) every month. Again you can cancel at any time – just drop me an email and let me know.
Just a couple more subscriber comments:
Wow! I have put off having the magazine as I thought it may be like a few others I have had, but no, WOW is all I can say! I am snowed in and just subscribed to your magazine. I can’t wait to start some projects, so if any one is like me putting off subscribing, all I can say is DON’T the magazine is GREAT, thank you Helen. One very happy new subscriber. Debbie
I just received my magazine and had to write and tell you that I LOVE everything in it. I think this may be your best issue yet (and that’s saying something). Thank you so much! Sherryl
To activate please click the button below
I hope I’ve answered all your questions and possible concerns about subscribing and I do hope you’ll decide to try the Bustle & Sew Magazine for yourself. If there’s anything else you’d like to know, then please do email me using the contact page on this website.
Very best wishes