Well hello! I am so conscious that I’m not blogging as much as I used to – it’s not because I’m getting fed up of blogging – I love sharing Bustle & Sew news and reading all your comments. No it’s more that my grandma duties have been taking up a lot of my time lately – I’m sure grandmas everywhere will know exactly what I mean! My new little grandson is now eight weeks old and is definitely fully aware of his baby right to have his whole family dashing around after him fulfilling his every desire. I often think that being a baby must be amazing – but sadly none of us can remember it!!
Anyway, I have been managing to find time for stitching and I’m delighted to be able to give you a peep inside the March Bustle & Sew Magazine. Here are the six new Bustle & Sew projects ….

As usual there’s a variety of techniques, including, as promised, my first-ever cross stitch pattern. This was great fun to do – my cross stitching skills have definitely improved with age – I now have much more patience and attention to detail – and so I’m already working on another design for the April issue. I’m intrigued with the idea of combining cross stitch with free hand embroidery, so do watch this space for more news on that over the coming weeks. As well as the Bustle & Sew projects there’s lots more to enjoy between the covers, so here’s a preview of the forthcoming issue …
The March issue will be published on Thursday 25th February- so if you’re a subscriber please do watch out for it arriving in your inbox then. I’m hoping to restart the Bustle & Sew Spring Stitchalong next weekend too, with huge apologies for the delay – moving house and becoming a grandma have taken so much more of my time than I anticipated. But now I think I’m good to go – and may well start with a waste canvas section!
Seeing your blog a little less often just makes each one more appreciated. I don’t know how you’ve managed to do it at all, with the new grandbaby, moving, and keeping up with the Newfies. – don’t forget to keep us posted on Daisy and Ben!
I won’t forget Glenna, I don’t think the naughty twosome would let me! xx
Dear Helen, I am so happy that we will be starting the Stitchalong again soon. I have also been very busy but am looking forward to finishing what we started. I am not familiar with waste canvas so please let me know what it is. Thanks so much! Dawn
Hi Dawn – waste canvas is a way of working cross stitch onto ordinary (ie not evenweave) fabric. I put together a little free guide and here’s the link for you. https://bustleandsew.com/freepatterns/UsingWasteCanvas.pdf Hope you find it useful xx
Lots to look forward to in the March Issue! I can’t wait!
X Linda
Not long to go Linda! xx
Bonjour ,oui ,je vous comprends ,les petits enfants nous occupent beaucoup .Nous avons changé de région et emménagé dans une nouvelle maison afin de nous rapprocher de notre fille et de notre petite-fille .
Je la garde donc souvent et je me demande comment j’ai pu me débrouiller avec sa maman tout en travaillant . J’étais plus jeune !!!
Mais c’est un tel plaisir d’avoir un petit enfant et de s’en occuper.
Je vous souhaite une bonne soirée et une bonne semaine ,Elisa.
Bonjour Elisa, oui, c’est agréable d’être une grand-mère, je me suis déplacé trop loin pour être proche de ma fille et sa famille. Beaucoup de plaisir avec le sommeil de bébé et sans interruption pendant la nuit haha! xx
Yes being a Grandma is time consuming but so rewarding. Don’t worry about us Helen, enjoy your wee man. We’ll be waiting whenever you have a few spare minutes, it’s always great to hear your news.
How are Ben, Daisy and Tilly coping with a Baby?
Take care 🙂
Hi Pam, yes it is lovely 🙂 Ben and Daisy are totally besotted with the young fellow, while Tilly is waiting for him to grow up a bit and play with her! xx
They will have such a lot of fun together when he is older. I found while our 3 boys are very rough and tumble amongst themselves, as soon as the children step out the door they revert to being absolute softies. They really are just kids themselves haha
It was so lovely to be included in the March issue Helen. Thank you. I hope your readers enjoy the pin cushion pattern. I’ll look forward to sharing Bustle and Sew too.
I’m so pleased you liked your feature Lauren, your work is beautiful. Thanks for being a part of this issue xx
Thank you so much for the blog mention in the March issue! I LOVE your gorgeous magazine and am looking forward to doing some of the adorable projects!