This week has been wonderfully warm and sunny, perfect for the festival-goers at Glastonbury. We live just five miles from the festival site, Worthy Farm, and for the last few days helicopters have been buzzing backwards and forwards overhead taking both performers and spectators to the site. Other transport routes have been busy too, as over 200,000 people make their way to a small village just south of Glastonbury. We are close enough that we can hear the music in the evenings – I don’t mind a bit, it’s only for three nights after all – and I’m looking forward to Elton John’s performance tomorrow night, hoping the wind will be in the right direction so we can hear it properly!
All this activity is unusual for our sleepy corner of Somerset, so it’s quite an exciting few days for everyone, except the chickens, who are much more focused on the delicious cooling fruit I’ve been bringing them lately….

Last week I wrote about the first of my new designs for the July magazine – celebrating mindfulness and calm (quite a contrast to all the activity at Worthy Farm), and this week I’ve been busy finishing off and photographing the remaining projects so the magazine is ready to send out on Thursday….

There’s a bit of a coastal theme going on, though as it’s a while since I included a chicken pattern(!) I thought it was time to do so. The Henrietta doorstop is a great beginner’s project as the applique is really straightforward – and a useful item too – particularly at this time of year when doors left open to let in cool air are likely to slam shut if the breeze strengthens at all.

I particularly enjoyed researching and writing the article on swimwear through the ages – from skinny dipping via corsets and voluminous gowns to bathing costumes and bikinis and I hope you’ll enjoy it too.

The July Magazine is published this Thursday and, as always, now is the best time to subscribe as you’ll get an extra issue for your money! Upon subscribing you’ll receive the current (June) edition immediately and the July edition will arrive in your inbox on Thursday. That’s twelve Bustle & Sew patterns, some of which won’t be available anywhere else, articles, features, recipes and much more besides – bargain!
To learn more and subscribe please just visit our Magazine page here on the website.
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