I do so love this time of year. Though it’s cold outside, the days are significantly longer now and all around are signs of spring. Birds are so much more visible, both in my garden where they’re busy establishing territories, identifying suitable nesting sites and even beginning to collect materials for building their nests. I took Freddie for a little walk around the lanes (he only has little legs so we can’t go very far or very fast) and we were delighted to spot more snowdrops than I have ever seen here before, as well as daffodils almost ready to burst into glorious golden flower…

There’s a spring feel in the March edition of the Bustle & Sew Magazine too. Here in the UK we celebrate Mother’s Day in March, and as Easter is really early this year, falling on April 1, there are lots of Easter bunnies to be found between the covers…..

And the cover is a glorious daffodil yellow too! I’ll be back later this week with a full preview for you – I’m still busy putting the finishing touches to our second Meet the Maker interview so am not quite ready for the big reveal just yet! And don’t forget, now is a brilliant time to subscribe as you’ll receive the February issue (below) straight away followed by the March edition when it’s published on Thursday.

That’s two magazines (12 patterns, 3 Makers, 8 recipes and much more besides) for just $1 – bargain! Just click here to visit our magazine page and learn more.
Thank you, for the free Easter download. I have been away from any crafting for such a very long time. I am trying to get back into some crafting, again; and I believe attempting one or more of the ones in the Easter package is exactly what I need.
That’s great, thanks so much for letting me know Susie – enjoy your crafting! xx