Goodness, I hadn’t realised it had been a while since I last blogged! I have no excuse at all other than Daisy and I have been out and about enjoying the spring sunshine….

There are snowdrops galore, and plenty to pick and bring inside too….

It’s hard to believe that just three weeks ago the fields and lanes around our village looked like this!

No wonder we’re all obsessed with the weather here in the UK! But whatever the next few weeks may bring, there’s a real sense that we’ve turned the corner now and spring simply won’t be put back in the bottle! There are plenty of spring goodies to enjoy inside the March magazine too….

We chat to two very talented makers, Rosie’s recipes goes meat-free and we even take a look at a great British treat – custard!

There’s a chance to download an old favourite too, my Spring Bunny Wreath, and how green are your flowers – have you ever considered the impact of floral foam on the environment? I must admit I hadn’t until I researched this article. And of course along with everything else there are six new Bustle & Sew patterns to enjoy (all shown on the cover above). For a full preview of the contents please just click on the image below:
The March Magazine is published tomorrow, so if you’re a subscriber please do watch out for it arriving in your inbox then. If you’re not a subscriber and would like to learn more then please just pop over to our magazine page.
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