It doesn’t seem possible that three months ago I was blogging about being trapped, like the creatures in Narnia, in a land where it was always winter and never Christmas! We had snow on the ground, monster icicles hanging from my conservatory roof and it seemed as though spring would never come! Today however, the temperature is well up in the 70s, and it’s high, high summer. My garden is blooming and it’s lovely to be able to take my sewing outside into the gazebo….

This year is an exceptional one for roses…..

While Freddie’s little playhouse has almost disappeared behind a giant, rather prehistoric-looking fern! The white scrambling rose is almost too vigorous – I cut it back hard last autumn, getting myself thoroughly scratched in the process – but it has bounced back with a vengeance – I don’t think I’ve ever seen it quite so smothered in blooms. The plants in my greenhouse are thriving too…..

I have tiny baby cucumbers no longer than my little finger as yet – these are for Rosie and Freddie who both adore them. And the first tomatoes are ripening on the vine, though I think it will be a while before they’re ready to eat! All this blossom and bloom has definitely influenced the projects in the July magazine…..

Lots of blossoming and blooming here too – as well as a little French bulldog cushion. I was very surprised to read that French Bulldogs are now the most popular breed here in the UK – having long believed the Labrador to hold that honour. My heart belongs to Newfies though, I must admit, and these days one in particular….

The enchanting Miss Daisy – who is very much loved by the whole family – though I do wish she wouldn’t persist in sitting my flowers! Back to the July Magazine though….

I don’t quite have the preview ready to show you yet – but here’s the cover with details of what’s inside. If you’d like to find out more about the magazine, and maybe try it for just $1 (for your first two issues) then please just CLICK HERE to learn more.
Hi Helen,
What a wonderful photo of Daisy – even if she is comfortably squashing your flowers! She really is very special. I love the bunny pincushion but I’m not sure I could bear to stick pins in her so I think she would have to just be a sewing buddy.
Love to you all,
Diana, Inky and Echo.
Aw, thanks Diana, she is definitely the prettiest Newfie I’ve ever owned! Love to you all as well, hope the hot weather isn’t too much for your furry ones xx
This magazine is one item that thoroughly brightens my day.
Every article and bit of news is like connecting with friends.
Happy summer from Ontario, Canada
Thanks so much Brenda, you’re very kind and I’m so pleased you enjoy the magazine xx
Aw thank you so much Brenda, we are really pleased you enjoy the magazine 🙂
Happy Summer to you too!
Hi Helen! My daughter is named Helen. How di we go about purchasing your magazine?
Hi Lorna – good choice of name!! The Bustle & Sew Magazine is a digital publication and you can purchase single back copies as well as subscriptions in our store – just click on the menu at the top of the page. xx