It’s been a lovely week here in my little corner of Somerset. The sun has shone for most of the time every day, indeed it has been almost too hot in the afternoons. My garden has reached its peak, as the colour spectrum shifts from the pinks and pastels of early summer through to the vibrant fiery shades of late August …

The Newfies have been driven to seek shade wherever they can find it, and I’ve been enjoying sitting and sewing in my gazebo. But it couldn’t last, and tonight I have firmly closed my conservatory door and retreated inside as the temperature has dropped and gale force winds are forecast. Hopefully summer will return once the storm has passed through – I’m not quite ready for the season to change just yet – not in real life anyway, though I’ve definitely been feeling very autumnal while putting together the September issue of the Bustle & Sew Magazine …
Where we’re enjoying a harvest theme with apples and pears, my Autumn Joy hoop (pre-printed panels ready to stitch will be in store at the end of next week after publication day), delicious seasonal recipes from Debbie and my final pattern for this month – the Country Fox Cushion Cover that you can see in the bottom right hand corner of the patterns collection. I’ve really enjoyed creating this design with its applique tweed and felt leaves combined with a little hand stitching on the berries and acorns….
I’m not sure what the little fellow is looking at – a late summer butterfly perhaps. He’ll look lovely on my sofa this autumn.
I do love to change the look of my living room as the seasons progress, and changing my cushions is a very easy way to achieve a new look without much expense. I like to mix handmade with purchased, and was very taken with some of the new autumn cushions available from George at Asda of all places! There were two I particularly liked – and treated myself to – their prices are extremely affordable! But two cushions just won’t be enough so I’ve added to them with this little fox ….
And while I was rummaging around looking for autumn fabrics I came across this lovely red acorn print from Vanessa Arbuthnott. I think I might have made some curtains with it once – but I can’t for the life of me remember where. Still there’s just enough in this remnant for a fourth cushion – and my sofa will be the best dressed couch in Somerset this autumn I think!
Bonjour ,j’adore votre coussin avec le renard et j’ai hâte de le réaliser .J’attends aussi avec impatience ,les pré- imprimés .
J’espère que l’été va revenir dans le Somerset ,quant à moi ,n’aimant pas les grosses chaleurs ,le début de l’automne me semble préférable en Franche-Comté ;Les feuilles commencent déjà à se teinter.
Je vous souhaite un très bon week-end et vous remercie pour toutes vos réalisations.
Très amicalement ,Elisabeth.
Je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre aimable, commente Elisabeth. Malheureusement il ne pleut en ce moment donc aucun signe de l’été pour nous. J’espère que vous apprécierez le magazine de septembre. xx
I simply love your sofa cushion Country Fox. He’s a stunning fellow!
XX Linda
Aw thanks so much Linda! I will have to stop Ben sitting on him and squashing him flat!