It’s the August Bank Holiday weekend here in England, the last Bank Holiday before Christmas (eek!) and traditionally viewed as being the end of summer, though the warm weather will hopefully continue for a few more weeks yet. Children return to school next week and Grandma Holiday Club has closed its doors now, though little Florence (who’s only 3) will still be coming to Grandma Daycare for another year.

It is beginning to feel quite autumnal already here at Bustle & Sew HQ, the conkers are falling from the horse chestnut trees, whose leaves, though not shrivelled and scorched by the drought, are now a dusty tired dark green, quite different from the fresh new growth of spring. Along the old railway sidings there are blackberries to be picked, whilst in the garden there are windfalls, and an abundance of produce is waiting to be gathered from my kitchen garden….

This shift in the seasons is reflected in the new issue of the Bustle & Sew Magazine . I think my favourite designs this month are the sleepy ones … the little sleeping mice and the bobbin owl below..

Though there’s lots more between the covers too of course. For a full preview please click on the image below….
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