I have been working so hard over the past few days putting the final touches to the June magazine. But now it’s finished and safely uploaded I have treated myself to a morning learning – or at least beginning to learn – a new skill. I’ve long admired the beautiful needlefelted creations I’ve seen online and have been wanting to have a go myself for some time. Then last month I spotted a local class, so I signed up and this morning headed off into Wells. The class was held in one of the workshops at the Bishop’s Palace – which was looking particularly lovely in the sunshine …..

But no time to stop .. I hurried past the front lawn, which had been set up for a game of croquet, past the tea rooms and into the workshops. The class was run by Whan of The Happy Felt Club who was an excellent – and very patient – teacher and soon we were all hard at work making our swans …..

The beak and head were the most fiddly parts as you have to wrap your wool roving around a pipe cleaner very tightly indeed to get the right shape – then stab it multiple times with your VERY SHARP needle without piercing your fingers! But before long my swan was beginning to take shape …

And by the end of the class we’d all succeeded in making our swans. Some of the cleverer students (not me!) went on to make cygnets too. I feel very proud of my slightly wonky swan and will definitely be making something else very soon ….

Swans were a very appropriate project for this class as the Bishop’s Palace is surrounded by a moat and is famous for its swans which have learned to ring a bell when they want to be fed. I didn’t hear them ringing their bell today – but I did see the newest members of the swan family – nine little cygnets and their parents as I crossed the bridge over the moat on my way back to the car park …..

A lovely end to the morning! And now .. as promised – here’s a look at what’s between the covers of the June magazine. ….
This month there’s over 80 pages to enjoy and some of my favourite patterns too. I’ve been wanting to try my hand at a unicorn trophy head for some time and am very pleased with the way he’s turned out. I’m thinking of issuing a limited edition of unicorn kits – and this would be a very limited edition as I’ve managed to secure some Tilda doll’s hair (the unicorn mane) at a reduced price which would make it economically viable for me to assemble the kits without them being too expensive. If you think you might be interested (no obligation at all, I’d just like to discover if there would be a demand) then please either email me or let me know by leaving a comment below.
Beautiful felt swan Helen.
Julie xxxxxxxx
PS had trouble emailing you the other day
Thanks Julie – I did email you ..
Dear Helen,
Thank you so much for blogging about The Happy Felt Club! Your swan was absolutely fantastic 🙂
Thanks Whan, I had a lovely morning xx
Your swan turned out so nice. What an interesting & funny thing…bell-ringing swans!