Earlier this week I blogged about my little vintage bunny who is now finished and added to a stripey vintage ticking cushion. His pattern, together with LOTS of photographs and details of how to embroider his fur, will be in the March Bustle & Sew Magazine.
But I digress ….. what I really wanted to tell you (more about the bunny later) was that last month I drove down to Devon to discuss a partnering arrangement with Ame of Sew & So. I haven’t agreed to anything like this before, as I’m totally picky about who I work with. It’s so important to me that everything to do with Bustle & Sew is both of a high standard and also nice and “friendly” if that makes sense? Bustle & Sew isn’t a big commercial company, we’re just a mother and daughter team who adore stitching and love to share with others who have the same passion for needle and thread. I would hate to lose the personal connection with so many fellow enthusiasts as I’ve “met” so many lovely people and made lots of new friends over the years.
Sew & So have been one of the companies I’ve used for many years – their customer service is amazing, and my orders have always arrived within a couple of days – without exception.
They are a long-established British craft company who also put their customers right at the heart of their business, and Ame and I hit it off straight away. Lots has been happening behind the scenes and they’re now stocking a small selection of Bustle & Sew embroidery patterns, and we’re hoping to expand the range in future to include all kinds of goodies. I’ll be sure to let you know when these become available. Meanwhile, if you’re in the UK, do click on the image above to pop over and check out at their range of products – there’s so much to look at – including their large range of cross stitch designs – which brings me rather neatly to my second departure, and a return to my vintage bunny.
Chatting to Ame (over a coffee and some rather nice pastries) about Sew & So’s range of cross stitch patterns has inspired me to return to that world – one which I haven’t visited for many years, and so the March Magazine will bring Bustle & Sew’s first ever cross stitch pattern …
Still very much a work in progress, you can probably tell that it is in fact my little vintage bunny again – this time I’ve taken the outline shape and filled it with a geometric pattern. I’m intrigued by the possibility of combining cross stitch and freehand embroidery. I plan to develop some of my ideas in forthcoming issues and hope you’ll enjoy this new departure for Bustle & Sew!
Good luck with your new departure. I can also highly recommend Sew and Sew as a fantastic company to order from.
Thanks Linda – yes they are very good – and their staff are lovely and friendly too xx
J’aime beaucoup ce nouveau lapin et comme j’adore le point de croix ,et je suis très contente de pouvoir trouver de nouvelles idées dans les prochains numéros de Bustle and sew.
Très bonne journée ,amicalement ,
Je vous remercie et j’espère qu’originel aimerez mes nouveaux modèles à venir au printemps XX
I have used Sew and Sew for years too. I highly recommend them. Love the bunny.
Julie xxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Julie, yes they are definitely a company I feel confident – and comfortable – working with xx
Aren’t you clever! I’ve just changed my subscription from monthly to an annual rate because it’s such a deal. I’ve been enjoying your magazine and emails for quite a while now. Your new partnership sounds good, even though I will probably not take full advantage because of the shipping fees to ship across the pond! But good luck to you, anyway, and I look forward to continuing to receive your e-magazine and hear about you and your adventures with Daisy and Ben.
Thanks so much Glenna – I’m so pleased you like the magazine. I’m sorry it’s taken me a while to respond – I’ve been very busy with my grandma duties!! xx
Hi Helen,
Good luck with your new joint venture – I’m sure it will work well. Thank you for telling us all about Sew and Sew – it really is a lovely website with lots and lots of super stitching supplies, kits and patterns etc. (including yours, of course!)
I loved the picture of Miss. Daisy looking forlorn over the chocolate cake!
Thanks so much Diana – and for your kind comments about Bustle & Sew (blushing!). Miss Daisy is perfectly well fed – in my opinion of course, not hers – though as you say, she does do folorn very well indeed haha!! xx
Really looking forward to the next issue and trying out my skills on the beautiful bunny
Thanks so much Kerry, hope you’ll enjoy stitching him – I have plans for more cross stitch designs in the months ahead xx
Congrats Helen– I love the X stitch bunny and am excited to see where you will be going next!
Thanks Becky – some fusion stitching next I think xx