Bring me sunshine ….. Retro Dandelion pouch tutorial

I don’t know about where you are … but here it has been so gloomy and grey. In my part of deepest rural Devon we haven’t had very much snow, but it has rained and rained and the skies have been gloomy for what seems like forever. I have been trying to compensate for the dreary weather by bringing spring flowers – tulips, hyacinths and daffodils into the house and by sewing in lovely sunshine colours.
I know dandelions are weeds, but they are like little drops of sunshine fallen to the ground and I’m sure everyone remembers as a child blowing on the seedheads, or fairy clocks, to tell the time in fairyland. So when I came across a 1950s embroidery transfer for a dandelion, I simply had to use it … and I’ve needed a new cosmetics pouch for the bathroom for some time…
Here is the result. The dandelion, although stylised is really well observed, even down to the little hairs on the stalks and using twisted chain stitch gives a lovely knobbly organic feel to the leaves. I lined it with a lovely pale blue floral oilcloth that made me think of spring skies washed clean by rain, and used a zip recycled from a local thrift shop. I’m really pleased with it … and it cheers up the shelf in my bathroom sitting amongst the potions and lotions.
If you’d like to make it, I’ve created a free tutorial – just click here to view. I’ve included the embroidery transfer with 1950s instructions for sewing and also step by step instructions for inserting the zip – if I can do it anyone can.
Coming soon … another giveaway! I enjoyed the last one so much I’ve decided to go ahead with the Easter Bunny … will tell you all about it next week.
Sew till then ….. (groan)…. farewell!


i LOVE dandelions! i have an early childhood program dubbed *dandelion hill*. i would love this embroidery pattern. however, i am unable to open it. can you offer any help????

thanks so much! your pouch is lovely. 😉

Kim @ NewlyWoodwards

This is lovely. I just found you through One Pretty Thing. I love the dandelion, and I have a vintage towel that would be perfect for a zippered pouch. Thanks for the inspiration. =)


Hi everyone – please be patient when trying to view tutorial as there are lots of pictures and the pdf takes a while to load sometimes, particularly at busy times. If it still doesn't load then please email me and I'll be happy to send you the file direct. Thank you for your interest in my project. Best wishes Ellie.


Another beautiful design! You are so talented and so generous to share your lovely work with us.


Just found your blog, and wanted to say well done! I'll have to try making that pouch, they are akways so useful!


Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on in the Handcraft category today [17 Mar 12:53pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria


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