Today is Shrove Tuesday, the day to use up all those luxury items before the abstinence of Lent … which of course in England means it’s Pancake Day! When Rosie was young we used to love mixing and whisking, frying and flipping together. Our family dog, Susie, was always close by to hoover up any pancakes that didn’t quite make it back to the pan after being tossed perhaps a little too high! These days Pancake Day is a much more low-key affair in our house, but is still for me one of the earliest signs that spring is not too far away now. Another early sign of the season’s changing is the appearance of the first few daisies on my lawn, along with primroses and daffodils in the borders. Whilst I still have primroses in my borders….
I am not too sure that there will be daisies in my lawn this spring. In fact I am not at all sure that I will have a lawn this year since, after Ben and Daisy’s happy canine wrestling and chasing games, I seem to have very little grass and quite a lot of mud! Luckily daisies are guaranteed indoors with my latest pattern for the March issue of the Bustle & Sew Magazine…..
…… a cheerful sort of hand embroidery pattern – with some applique details – another great project for your scraps! The text is from Shakespeare (but with rather fewer cuckoos than in the original – sorry Will!)

I think we’ll we’ll have to wait a while for the cuckoo to arrive – though Ben did chase one of our next-door neighbour’s hens up our bay tree this morning. I don’t know how she escaped into our garden, but luckily she wasn’t harmed, though her feathers were definitely more than a little ruffled. Silly hen!
Oh yes definitely on my list to do! Oh dear my list is getting longer and longer!
My fingers are not very fast!
I wonder what your neighbour thought when she saw her hen in a tree?
Julie xxxxxxx
I’m looking forward to stitching that! I’m looking forward to Spring too:)
very nice I just might try that.
J’adore cette réalisation ,j’ai hâte de pouvoir la faire . J’attends le printemps avec tellement d’impatience ,je voudrais voir des fleurs à la place du manteau de neige et de glace qui recouvre tout .(J’habite dans le nord- est de la France ,près de la Suisse ).
Très amicalement ,Elisa.
Merci beaucoup pour vos aimables commentaires, Elisa. xx
Oh, I love this design! It reminds me of an afternoon spent reading and sipping tea in the garden! Lovely!
X Linda
I am eagerly awaiting my March issue. This is vey sweet!