Looked rather good to me. Some lovely new yarn arrived yesterday – hand dyed skeins from The Old Piggery on the edge of Dartmoor, wonderful pinks and blues just right for a little bunny’s dress – and look at that fantastic bluebell colour. This comes from a restored Georgian mill – Coldharbour Mill, near Exeter – built in 1799 and now a working museum. Best of all both the Old Piggery and Coldharbour Mill are within 40 miles of home – real Devon yarns for Devon bunnies. Anyway, to return to my conversation with said daughter … (who was now acting as though I was about 5 years old).
Charlie is sold, thank you.
Meet Claudette and Charlie … aren’t they cute!! Real spring lambs in time for Easter. The worst bit was the crinkly wool for their fleeces – I used Debbie Bliss Astrakhan which looks lovely, but I did keep getting confused with all the loopy bits! Anyway, finally Claudette and Charlie were finished and are now for sale in my Etsy Shop, hoping to find a kind new home before Easter.
If you’d like to try making a spring lamb of your own then I’d recommend the pattern below from Barbara Prime (aka Fuzzy Mitten). It’s really easy to follow, gives a good result and best of all Barbara is very kindly offering it for free.
Just click here to download the free pdf for the little Fuzzy Lamb pattern. And for embroiderers, another lamb, this time a cute vintage embroidery transfer – just click on the image for a large size version.
Your Spring lambs are adorable, as are your other little creatures.
Love them! Thank you so much for the link to the pattern. Would love to make some for grandchildren's Easter gifts.
I love the lambs! so cute.
I like lambs and their mummies, but I like bunnies as well.
children – they reach the age when they just know – well – just about everything!
Thank you soooo much
for this pattern.
I like the sweaters
and dresses you have
made for all your buddies.
Your knitted critters are so darling. I especially love the shoes! Not being a knitter, I showed them to my DD… she crochets. She said "Mom, it's not the same." :-/
Thanks for the lamb embroidery… I can handle that!
Love the bunny's and the lambs.They are so cute.And their clothes are beautiful.
Thank you for the patterns!
oh my! how totally adorable!!
makes me want to get my knitting needles out again 🙂
I am an editor for http://www.FaveCrafts.com and http://www.FaveCraftsBlog.com. We publish 1000’s of free craft projects and tips in every area of crafting at our website. We also publish a free crafting e-newsletter, Quick and Crafty, which has over 500,000 email subscribers.
We are currently looking for Easter craft projects to publish on our website, in our newsletter and on our blog. We are also compiling an Easter Craft eBook: Blogger Edition for 2010 which will be promoted in a number of ways, including a round-up of links to participating craft blogs. Here is a post about last year’s edition: http://www.favecraftsblog.com/free-easter-craft-ebook-blogger-edition/
In addition to craft projects, we accept tips, techniques, and product tutorials. We are especially interested in craft videos, which we can embed on our website.
You can easily submit Easter craft projects to us by email or send us the web link(s) to project(s) published online. You can send projects at any time to FaveCrafts. Though, for consideration for the Easter Blogger eBook, please submit projects by March 26, 2010.
Your craft projects are sure to be seen by a wide audience of enthusiastic crafters. We are happy to link to your blog and share a great crafting source with our community.
Some More Facts about FaveCrafts:
1.Over 45,000 visitors to our website every day. (compete.com)
2.Adding 12,000+ newsletter subscribers each week.
3.Over 1.5 Million Craft Projects Seen By Consumers Weekly.
Thank you for your consideration. We hope to post your Easter craft projects at FaveCrafts soon! If you have any questions, please call or drop me an email at any time.
Hi Thanks for message on my new blog.
Your site is lovely !
Best wishes and thanks
Sue x
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave.com in the Handcraft category today [17 Mar 12:53pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria