As regular readers have probably realised, the rose is one of my favourite flowers… to me it epitomises our English summer. I have many roses in my garden, though my favourites of all are the wild dog roses that festoon our Devon hedgerows in June.
If you’d like the chance to be selected as winner of the Rosie Posie Journal by a large black furry paw then please leave a comment below telling us which is your favourite flower. (I did think of asking about favourite dog, but clearly all those not answering female black Newfoundland would have been eliminated by our judge!). The draw will close at midday (BST) Sunday 11 July and the winner will be announced as soon as possible after then. I am happy to post overseas.
And finally, a big thank you to those who took the trouble to leave comments or send emails about Amy – your kind thoughts mean a lot to us all here at Coombe Leigh.
first AND FOREMOST, that amy is gorgeous! just love the big-hearted dogs and thrilled to hear she is recovering…by the by, my favorite flower is freesia, very sweet smelling!
The rosey posey cover is beautiful, you did a great job. I am torn for my favorite flower…I love hydrangea, nasturtium, forget-me-not, and the simplicity of a fresh, home-grown carnation (the smell is so strong). If I had to pick just one though, I would have to go with the wysteria. My mom has had both the bush and climbing varieties for as long as I remember. I can remember going out with tarps and flood lights when a late frost threatened so that we could protect the flower buds. There is just a special place in my heart for them.
[email protected]
My favourite flower is also a rose. It has been for as long as I can remember. The rose is my birth month flower and my daughters name is Victoria Rose. My favourite colour rose is a pink rose but I also love the Peace Rose because it reminds me of my Mum. Cant get enough of their sweet smell. Whats not to love.
What a gorgeous cover you did. My favorite flower is rose too, I love all colors and like to keep them dry to have longer. Felicidades por tan hermosos trabajos.
What a cute journal cover. I'm so glad to hear that Amy is feeling better and I hope she continues to improve.
My favorite flower is OHH I have two The rose love the lilac coloured ones, and fuchsia's especially white doubles. If I can only pick one, it has to be the Fuchsia…..
So glad Amy is responding well.
My favorite flower is OHH I have two The rose love the lilac coloured ones, and fuchsia's especially white doubles. If I can only pick one, it has to be the Fuchsia…..
So glad Amy is responding well.
My favourite flower……….now let me see, first has to be the Rose, followed closely by the Sweet Pea and the Lily.
Julie xxxxxxx
Glad to hear Amy is feeling better
My favourite flower is meadowsweet – a wild flower I know but I love it and the ditches are full of it at the moment
I love Amy! What breed of dog is she because she looks huge and loveable!! I have two favorite flowers, poppies and cabbage roses!!!
~Molly P
I audibly let out a sigh of relief to hear that Amy is feeling up to being the number chooser. I'm sure Ben could fill in nicely but it is wonderful to know that Amy is feeling better. Keep it up beautiful Amy.
The journal cover is GORGEOUS! Oh how lovely. But you want us to choose only one flower as a favorite? Oh my….really? Just one? OK, today I'm going to choose Hollyhocks. Mine are blooming so beautifully right now. I just love them standing in the garden so tall and colorful and proud. So there it is…I choose hollyhocks.
Tricky one… for picked flowers I love pink gerberas. But for the garden, roses win every time. So much so that my husband made me a wonderful rose garden yesterday, and it is lovely. Our own Rosie thought it was all in her honour of course…
what a beautiful cover!!!
my fave flowers are poppies and daisys!! hence the name of my blog shop!!
Glad your feeling more upbeat xx
Beautiful Journal Giveaway !!!
My favorite flowers are roses and orchids – I just love them – Roses for the vibrant colors and wonderful fragrance – Orchids for the unique shape/design.
Have a great day
Good luck to all with the Giveaway 🙂
I have seasonal favourites. During the summer months my favourite flower is the rose, the old fashioned type that smell amazing! In the spring time my favourite are daffodils with their cheery yellow faces just oozing Welshness!
Jille x
Lovely !!!!! I want to win!!!! PLease count me in!! My favorite flower is the yellow rose.Not sure which kind of yellow rose,just yellow.My wedding flowers were yellow roses and green gerber daisies.
Thank you.
[email protected]
Do hope dear Amy is better today. When our children are sick, it is so hard on the momma. Thank you for sharing your talents with us.
poor Amy, I hope she recovers quickly and that this set of medication does magic.
My favourite flower is a daisy – the kind people don't want in their lawns. They remind me of childhood and making daisy chains for hours and dressing up my poor suffering grandfather with them.
Sweet Peas for me fill me with glee!
I hope your daughter is up and running around quickly. The rose would have to be my most favourite flower. I have 100's of rose bushes in my garden. The sunflower is my second favourite flower. Just love the design you have made up. Happy days.
Roses are my favourite.
I'm so happy to read that Amy is feeling better. She's a real beauty.
My favorite are tulips.
I'm certainly happy to see that your daughter is doing well.
I'd have to say that my favorite flower is the lily, and secondly is the rose (especially pink ones – nothing beats the smell!) . 🙂
Thank you so much for doing this! ♥
I'm so pleased Amy is feeling better. Please give her a big hug. My favourite flower is the pansy, especially the deep purple ones. Here in Norfolk we've let our front garden grow wild, (I think the neighbours tought we had gone mad) but we scattered hundreds of wild flower seeds over it, and now it's absolutely beautiful. (Or as one visitor said, 'Isn't it about time you got rid of all those weeds?' Philastine!
Very cute!! And my favorite flower is Black-eyed Susan. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [06 Jul 12:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Lovely journal. I think I would have to say california poppies. They are such a bright orange and so easy to grow they make a cheerful splash of colour in the garden.
I love your journal! I love roses and all flowers. They are all my favourites. Summer brings a multitude of colour. I also have many house plants to enjoy their blooms in winter.
My favorite flower is the sunflower! thanks for the chance to win. Colleen
I am very fond of the flowers of the 'mock orange' tree (I don't know the proper name), the scent is wonderful. Woofs to Amy.
Glad Amy is better, my little doggie friend is also under the weather so I can empathise. Anyway, my favourite flowers are hydrangeas. I've got table clothes with them on, vases, the real thing, and I'm also attempting to make a cushion to adorn the sofa!
What a lovely book cover. My favourite flower is also the rose I just love the shape and colour, it's just the perfect flower
Love your rosie posey cover. My favorite flower is the lilac. They do not grow everywhere so everyone may not be familiar with them. They have the most heavenly scent and are a sure sign of spring.
It is SUCH a beautiful color.
My favorite is lily-of-the-valley, but, really, I adore most flowers.
We all have a special place in our hearts for our doggies and yours is no exception.
Must say SweetPeas are my most favorite flower.
Love your work.
my favorite flower is chrysanthemum
i hope amy feels better
and i love the jernal cover! realy realy!
I'm so happy Amy is feeling better! (My Old English Sheepdog, Gooey, used to have a Newfie as a girlfriend in puppy kindergarten!!)
My favorite flower (if I have to pick one) is an Echinacea.
My favourite flower is lily.
Wonderful giveaway thank you!
I love your giveaways. You are so generous!
My favorite flower is the Cabbage Rose. Big, beautiful and pink Cabbage Roses!
Thank you 🙂
My fave flower is chosen by scent and use as a tea or infusion. It is the lime flower. I remember a holiday in France – many years ago – and on the market stalls were baskets and baskets of lime flowers – tilleul – the smell was heaven. The flowers are such a lovely delicate green, look closely and there are the small petals.
I am very pleased to see your Amy is feeling better.. I love your give away, so please count me in. I'm not sure what the translation is for my favourite flower , the latin nam is "convalaria Majalis, I think it is lily of the valley. a lovely little flower with a very special flavour.. I have a few of them in my garden..mmmm
My favorite flower is the Lily of the Valley. I can remember when I was in 3rd grade (almost 50 years ago!) my teacher, Miss Leslie, wore Lily of the Valley perfume which I loved. My mother let me pick a little bouquet of the sweet little flower to bring to her one day. They have been my favorite even after all these years!
Oh my, how to narrow it down. I love pansies for color during the cool months and snapdragons during the warm ones. And peonies, with great huge blossoms, like the ones my grandmother grew!
Hi my favourite summer flower has to be a standard Fuchsia. I have one in my garden and it looks so pretty!
Hugs Lynsey x
What a beautiful blog! This is my first visit. (from Craft Gossip).
My fav flower is a violet. I've always liked them best. flowers are all lovely & it is difficult to choose just one!