Thank you so much to everyone who entered our giveaway for the little grey bunny. I’m sorry to be a bit late with the result, but this week has been very stressful! My (formerly) trusty laptop decided to go into meltdown on Wednesday (fortunately just after I’d uploaded the April Magazine) and had to go away to the repair shop. It’s home again now and seems to be working OK – for the time being at least! Anyway, I have worked the random number generator …..
And the winner is number 50 – that’s Karin! Well done Karin, I have emailed you already – and thank you once again to everyone who entered, I wish I had a bunny to send to you all.
But, in spite of all my IT issues, I’ve managed to find time to stitch the second book in my Bustle & Sew stitchalong. This one has a bit of a nautical theme and in the picture above you can just see a tiny goldfish peeping up out of the corner of the book. Hopefully you cannot see any dog hair. This particular background fabric does seem to attract Ben & Daisy’s fluff, so I spent quite some time removing wiggly black hairs from my work before taking pictures.
As well as the stitchalong, I’ve also managed to complete my first pattern for the May (eek, yes May!) magazine and it’s now hanging proudly on my workroom door ….

When I write up the pattern I’d like to offer some alternative wording, perhaps “welcome” or “craft room” and I wondered if anyone had any suggestions? (can’t be too long due to limited space). If so please leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to offer them in a nice swirly script as part of the pattern.
Well I arrived here this afternoon in a roundabout way and found a treasure chest of wonderful ideas and inspiration. Searching for Kathleen Mann on Pinterest I came upon your post way back in May 2011. I’ve LOVED Kathleen’s work and books for years and have been lucky in finding copies of all her books. I’ve also been wanting to use those little page header sketches for ages and low and behold you had already done so! And yes I’d been considering that embroidered duck too – don’t you think it looks like one of those runner ducks! So I was wondering if there is still a back issue of that issue of your magazine. I’ve just subscribed too and am really looking forward to receiving issues every month. By the way, have you come across Priscilla M Warner? She’s another favourite of mine.
It would be great if you could provide the word craft room for those that have a variety of crafting interests.
Congratulation to Karin for winning your delightful bunny.
Hi Linda – I will try to squash it in but I’m a bit concerned there might be too many letters. Great idea though, and I’ll see how it looks.
Very beautiful and charming design! Thank you!
Home Sweet Home
the (your last name)
Most of the time, I call my sewing room my playroom. You could just offer the alphabet and everyone could choose their own title.
Love it! Playroom! Wonderful! But I can’t offer the alphabet, it’s a condition on the sale of that particular font, only a selection of words/phrases.
I think “workroom” covers everything 🙂 🙂
It’s so pretty! I can’t wait to get the pattern.
Aw, thanks Lynne xx
How about “sewing room” or “sewing studio” or “art studio” or just “studio” in addition to what you have suggested?
Hi Faith – I will add studio, but I think sewing room is a bit long to fit in the space. Good idea though!
I LOVE this embroidery piece! I think ‘Welcome’ or ‘our home’ would be lovely. My boyfriend and I are moving in September to our first home together so I can’t wait to stitch this for it 🙂 xx
Thanks Holly – yes welcome would be nice and so would our home. I’ll add to the list x
I can’t believe that I am just now seeing this! I like either “welcome” or “open” for the door to a store or work area. Personally, I have a sign on my door that says “no smoking” only because I have to use oxygen at night. This is much prettier than my bright red and white paper sign. What a lovely sign! It would also be pretty if it said”powder room ” to put on the bathroom door for people who visit. Lovely!!