These Aviator Mice have proved to be amazingly popular, so I have decided to put some kits together – and have a giveaway too! It’s not always easy to source exactly the right materials for a project like this – especially if you want to use vintage fabrics, such as the woollen blanket I’ve used in these photos, so these kits will make it much easier – leaving you to enjoy the fun of creating your very own Aviator Mouse.
I don’t normally offer kits, and won’t be putting together more than a dozen or so of the Aviator Mouse kits, so if you’d like one then please don’t leave it too long before you order as when they’re gone – they’re gone! You can find them in my softies section – just click here to visit their page. Sorry Aviator Mouse kits sold out.
I’ve held one of the Brave Aviator Mouse kits back for a giveaway ….. to enter please just leave a comment below telling me the mouses’ (or should that be mice’s?) names. As availability is limited, if you want to make sure of a kit then please purchase one and if you are the winner of the giveaway then I’ll refund the purchase price.
The winner will be chosen by random selection and the draw will close at midnight on Friday (BST). I will post worldwide.
Good luck everyone!!
That’s easy! It would be Sky King and Penny. When I was a child this was one of my favorite TV shows about a pilot and his sidekick Penny. As an adult I met my own Sky King and I am still his sidekick 34 years later!
Love those mice and I definitely need to make these!
I remember that show too. Wow I thought I was the only “kid” that remembered Sky King… My Daddy is a Pilot too.
I remember loving the Sky King show at a child. Glad to see I am not the only one who remembers it. I would love to make these ornaments. I’d hang them from my ceiling christmas tree.
Hi Helen!
These mice are too cute for words! Full of adventure and cheeky too! I would call the one in the red scarf Fergal and the white scarf wearing mouse would be Golly. 🙂
Hoping I win one … there’s a spot on my desk just waiting to be filled with someone adorable! ♥
Wiskers and Earheart.
Fearless Flyer Mouse
Flying Ace Mouse
Mr. Mouse
Mrs. Mouse
Biggles and Boggles
Batmouse and Robin!
Sorry, but that just popped into my head immediately…
They are very sweet 😉
I absolutely loves these and my boys do too!! We think they are twin brothers and should be called Hector and Henry 🙂 xx
My 4 yo grandson call’s his new little sister Nattie, short for Natalie. It just suits her. So looking at the mice I think Nattie suits one just fine. The other should be Zek, after my other grandson Ezekiel. You do such beautiful work. Thank you for sharing your talents.
Charles and Amelia of course 🙂
How cute! I would name my mouse Amelia of course!
Jasper and Moonbeam. Oh they are fabulous….
These are adorable. My son is in the Air Force. Would love to make it for him!
love the mouses!
they should be named Cheesy Mcsqueak and Cheshire ‘Red’ Liecester….brave aviators who love to come home to a nice cheese sandwich!
Amelia Mouseheart of ‘course!!!!!!
They look gorgeous and should have names that are vintage like their materials…..Lindy after Charles Lindbergh and Earhart after Amelia!
1st: Barron von Mouseur 2nd: Ace Flier Mouseman
these are darling, I think “red leader” for the red scarfed fellow and “white knight “for the other
They are oh so delightful!!!
My vote for a name is Maverick the Mouse after the Top Gun movie!
Just have to be Charles and Amelia!
Adorable. Thank you for the smiles.
Without question, their names must be Orville and Wilbur.
Adorable. Thank you for the smiles.
Without question, their names must be Orville and Wilbur.
Chip and Spike. First names that came into my mind…………
Charles and Amelia!
Jack and Diane. Thanks or the chance!
Albert and Chocks
Really beautiful 🙂 x
Oh what fun! These are quite the pair of dashing airedales. Looking for some name ideas, I found a informative website that gives Air Force slang words, so my selections are Bubba Birddog & Floyd Flathatting. Hope they can make the flight over the great pond to my house!
Amelia Mousehart….it has to be! These are more than cute!
Thank you sooooo cute……Just have to be
AMELIA (Earhart) and WILBUR (Wright) !!
The first thought I had was for two little she mice:
-Ona Wing
-Ana Praer
Clara said what I was going to say LOL They are so cute! Let’s just go with Bert and Bertha.
orville and wilbur (wright), of course!
Amelia and Charles gets my vote! My daughter is a pilot and just had a baby in May. These would make such a cute room decoration.
Because I live in Dayton, Ohio USA, I think the mice should be named Orville and Wilbur Wright. You could also call them Snoopy and the Red Baron. Oh my but they are so very cute.
They are absolutely fabulous! I have decided they are brave sisters called Nina and Simone after one of my favourite singers!
Mousescito and flutterbymouse
aren’t they cute! how about Amy and Johnson for their names?
I second the vote for Wilbur and Orville–so cute!
These mice are so cute 🙂 I would name them “Leonardo and Mona”.
Hope to win 😉
Love these, too cute!
I would name them Siegfried aka ‘The Baron’ and ‘Goggles’ who like The Doctor never reveals his real name.
Fingers crossed.
Ali x
Love your mice! All of them are so cute! I like the name Charles Limburger. I think it’s a perfect name for a flying mouse. And for his little mouse spouse Amelia.
Hi Helen,
Love your work,
Keith for little mouses name in memory of my dear Dad a brave Battle of Britain navigator.
I would call the mice ” Hector and Horace “.
Red scarf: Captain Red Von Baren
White scarf: Rear Commander Tagalong
One should be named Tiny after Georgia ‘Tiny’ Broadwick, the first woman to jump from an aircraft, and Chuck after Chuck Yeager who flew a P-51 Mustang (which looks very similar to your mice’s planes! LOL) in WWII here in England and later became a test pilot.
Your mice look like intrepid explorers so deserve to be namesakes of adventurers. 😉
nip and nora
If I was lucky enough to win them, I’d definitely call them Atticus and Theopholus . Atticus is my sons name and Theopholus is his best friends name they are both so adventurous that it suits the little mice x
If they were French , I think they might be Tanguy and Laverdure … And they are soo cute !
These brave brothers, Marty and Morris, look to be setting out on one of many adventures. What bedtime stories they will make!
When my son was a small boy, he had two pet mice he adored. They went everywhere with us (much to some folks’ alarm!) . Their names were “Monte” and “Carlo” …………… so, in their memory – Monte and Carlo it is!
Rory and Fergus!
Orville and Ophelia! Adorable little creatures.
I love the names Orville and Wilbur!
X Linda
I’m thinking Snoopy and the Red Baron. They are really cute.
My first thought,like others would be Amelia and Charles. Then, they also could be Minimus (Latin for small English Mouse) and Volaticus (flying).
Thank you, they remind me of AirVenture (the world’s largest air show) which just ended here.
The mice are so cute, and brave to be little pilots. As soon as I saw them I knew it was Lord Fairwell ( the older chap with grey scarf) and his nephew Kitt. They flew many a mission during WWI….saved countless! Oh I could go on, but maybe now is not the time.
Oh these mice are adorable! I think they should be named Lawson and Hudson…just some “old-fashioned” names I thought would suit these mini intrepid aviators. 🙂
They are sooooo cute. My names are Avery and Humphrey .
The cute little mousie in the blue winged airplane is Rubido (Ru – bee – dough) and the other mousie with the yellow striped wings is KC!
Amelia (obviously after Amelia Earhart) and Harriett (after Harriet Quimby)
I would name them Biggles and Ginger as my husband is a huge fan of the Biggles books, a fearless aviator.
Ralph and Franz!
This pattern is adorable. I would name the mice Avis and Averie.
I just love these guy’s sooo cute… I would call them..
Ricky Rictoven and his sidekick Daring Danny
How fun, these would be sew neat to make!!!
Thanks Helen for such sweet softie critters to make. 🙂
lindberg and earheart
So cute! I’d call them Pete and Henry.
Oh, if I could only think of some clever names for two special little mice…. let me see, how about Amille and Horatio Cloud-Dancer. Be especially blessed, Kathy
These are so cute-I’d love to win one.
I like Amelia and Lindy!
That would be James Bigglesmouse and Algernon Mousegomery Lacey!
Nigel and Alistair seem appropriate for this daring pair.
Yeager and Earhart
Piper and Cessna
Douglas and Martin (both names of airplane manufacturers)
Harrier and Hawkeye
The Lindburgers (Lindbergh and Limburger cheese)
Nike and Hermes
Once I started thinking about it they just started rolling. 🙂
Baloo and Kit (namesakes of the “TaleSpin” characters)
I think they should be called Theodore and Penelope. How cute are they. job well done. Thankyou for the chance at winning a kit. Lynette.
The one in the red scarf looks fearless so I would name him Fergus the Fearless. The other mouse looks daring so I would name him Donald the Daring. For some reason they both seem male to me so that’s why I wentwith the male names. They are would be truly inspirational for some child’s imagination (even a big child)!
Rupert and Millie immediately came to mind. No idea why… They’re lovely, as are all your clever creations!
How sweet are these, I’d love to make these for my nieces! I like the idea of naming one Amelia, but knowing my family, they’ll probably end up being called Squiggles and Mr. Mouse.
Up Up and away. These mice and their flying machines are lovely I do hope they have their flying goggles at the ready !!!
(Amy Johnson – first English woman pilot to fly from Britain to Australia and Louis Bleriot – first pilot to fly the channel)
I love them – going to have to make one for Liam!
Julie xxxxxxxx
Those mice are adorable, Helen!
As for their names, well portuguese aviation pionners are gago coutinho e sacadura cabral http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artur_de_Sacadura_Cabral being their first names Carlos e Artur so, I think that would be my choice, of course if I win I have a 6 year old girl here who can allways decide otherwise!
Montgomery Mousekivitch (he is the more show-offy arrogant one) and Pierre Pompermaus (actually a far better pilot than Montogmery but always in his buddy’s shadow) 🙂
Captain Reginald Von Mousetrap (Ace for short)
These are incredible!
I was an Air Load Master on VC10s in the RAF and my husband was in the RAF too.
Ive always admired the women who flew way back, when it was far more hairy and not considered a womens job!! The likes of Amy Johnson, Amelia Earhart and Beryl Markham fascinate me still.
The women who flew the bombers to airfields for the wartime pilots to take on elsewhere and all the male barnstormers who took to the skies after being taught to fly to fight, but then found they had no job when they came back from the war.
So…………..Id name the devil may care mice…….
Amy and Denys………….
after Amy Johnson and Denys Finch Hatton who was Karen Blixens last love…….
They are delightful, your so gifted and what you create is always beautiful!
Hi I think your mice are named Archie and Bodric, cute names for cute mice. Vicki
Wow, that looks só great!
I love to make softies and these a supercute.
Thanks for the opportunity to win such great kit.
The names I thougt of first were:
Billy & Jules Ecky
Best wishes with designing.
Oh how cute are these daredevils, just love them Helen how do you dream them up, Marian
These are fab, my granddaughter would love them! I think they should be called Jessica and Mo after Jessica Ennis and Mo Farah, the Olympics winners this year.
all best wishes
These are too cool- My son who wore his pilot hat till he could not cram his head into anymore would love these and now so would my nephew. Roaring Russ and Aviator Al
Hi they are adorable, i would name the mice Will & Harry
Hi i think you should call them Amelia and Amy . I love them think i will have to purchase these….
Red baron and Amelia
I have a friend that lost her husband in February so one of the mice after him would be named Roger and since she is the mouse lover, not real ones, the other would be named Bernice after her. I would love to make one of these and give it to her as a gift.
Mortimer and McFly Mouse! I was imagining they’re brother!
These are amazing! I am not taking the chance of missing out on these and am ordering today! I think they should be called Beazle and Uncle Wiggly Wings.
OMG! I am in love with these mice… not that I collect mice, I just think they are adorable and your creations are the sweetest yet! The Name Game is not my strong card and many before me have chosen awesome names… I am liking Amelia and Wilbur.
I would name my mouse Limburger and my plane “The Spirt of St. Cheese”, This is darling! I would hang from the ceiling like a mobile
Mazy and Max. The are off for big adventures……………..
Marlow & Benny!!
These darling mice and airplanes are definately adorable. I would love to hang one (or two!) from the ceiling over my desk! I think I would name them Braveheart and Mistral. Thanks for your lovely blog, patterns, fun posts on facebook, and this chance! Blessings from Shari in Kentucky
Love your flying mice!!!
One has to be named Amelia EARhart, and the other is Earnenwhine McMouse. How are those for silly names…lol.
So cute! I would say Dash and Commander!
Their names are Click and Double Click.
These mice are so adorable. Both my boys would love them. My 4 yr old thinks ‘sky captain’ is a good name for one. My 6 yr old likes ‘air mouse’ for the other.
These are adorable, my son would love these little guys. I’d have to call them Biggles and Churchill 😉
Thank you for such a great giveaway
I would name them Spirit and Soar!
Francis (or Frances if it is a girl) and Milo.
I’m state side so am unfamiliar with a lot of the names that are posted, not all but most. Wilbur and Orville is what comes to my mind when I see these cuties. Just love your blog and am so glad I found your site!!! Love everything about it and so enjoyed hearing you on your YouTube debute!! Being from Mississippi and the Deep South, your accent is music to our ears here! lol
Ben is a doll! Just a big ole teddy bear that breathes and eats!
So cute!
I like orville and wilbur.
I collect mice and would love to have these friends in my home! I think their names should be Charles (Lindbergh) and Amelia (Earhart)
I think these are just ADORABLE. Im heading towards names for the meeces’ (haha) of Limburger and Colby – they are cheese nibblers after all?
Congrats on always creating joy.
Cheers from Oshawa Ontario.
Brenda J.Moore
I would name one Amelia after Amelia Earheart and one Charles after Charles Linburgh who were both pioneers in aviation and pretty fearless.
I think they are called Fievel and Tanya. (Love “An American Tale”) 😀
I would call them Mortimer and Marcus purely as i think the names conjure up ‘tally ho, chocks away’
Wilbur and Orville – after the Wright brothers, of course.
I would call the mousverik and ice mouse (top gun)
I can’t explain why but I thought of Chuck and Dooley 🙂
Charles and Amelia! Too Cute ….xb
Chocks & Props……I think, may come up with another!!
Mrs. Brisby and Mr. Ages.from the Secret of Nimh
I”ll have to go with Charles and Amelia. My granddaughter wants to be Amelia Earhart when she grows up. And she’s only 5! she would love these!
I like Amelia and Wilbur.
Judith R’s idea of Click and Double Click is too funny!
Don’t ask me why this popped into my head but:
Captain and Tenille
Althought i like amelia mouseheart that someone else put the best for one of them. everyone has great ideas!
I think they should be named Tilley after my baby Grand Daughter who know lives with Angels in Heaven and her sister Lily who would love to fly up to meet her. Think they are soo cute, funny my nickname is mousey!!
Another sweet design!! congrats! I would name the two mice, Sunni and Jester!
I think they are called Mr. Heath and Mr. Wilson. They are adorable!
So cute! I’d love one. I remember Sky King- was one of my favorite shows. I also love mice, thanks.
How about naming one Snoopy and the other the Red Baron?
I would call them roley and poley because of the loop the loops they do in the sky! They are adorable! Catherine x
I would name the mice Cheezit and Squeek!
These are brilliant 🙂 I’m sure when I called out ‘Hey Mo, how are you?’, Ben turned to me and said, ‘He’s Mo, I’m Ben, Silly!!’
So i’m pretty sure they are Mo & Ben!
They are so cute! I just can’t resist this giveaway. Sid and Milo. That is what there names should be….*Ü*…
Something vintage since the planes look like the older models. Clarence and Floyd.
Hope I’m not too late! I was thinking Charlie and Rex would be perfect.
How gorgeous! I would name them ‘Molly Mouse’ and ‘Barnaby Mouse’ 🙂 🙂 Old fashioned, pretty names – & they sound like best friends too! Our little boy (2 1/4) is having a new bedroom & I’d be thrilled to make this up for him; he adores aeroplanes 🙂 (Please let me know if any further kits become available – thank you) xx