Here at Bustle & Sew HQ we’ve been so excited that our little fuzzy bunny is featured in the current issue of Mollie Makes Magazine….

He’s now returned home from his BIG ADVENTURE, only to find there is no room on my softie shelf for him. So he’s looking for a kind new home and someone to love this Easter …..

He brings his own food with him – not one but FOUR carrots and is made from the softest cashmere mix and vintage woolly towelling fabric. He has two bright shiny black (safety) eyes and a pink felt nose. He has promised to be good, but I think he is actually quite a mischievous sort of bunny!
If you’d like the chance to win our little grey bunny then please just leave a comment below telling us what you love most about spring. The giveaway will close at midnight GMT on Friday 27 March and the winner will be chosen by random selection. I will post anywhere in the world (and hopefully he’ll arrive before Easter).
Good luck everyone, and I’m really looking forward to reading all your favourite things about spring.
I love the daffodils that pop up in my garden! I planted around 200 bulbs last December and they are now just starting to bloom!
He’s so cute. I like the beautiful Spring flowers that emerge and the longer daylight hours to admire them.
I love seeing the gardens and the hedgerows come alive, watching little bright green shoots appearing from beneath the dark browns of winter
Julie xxxxx
the spring flowers….
So Very Cute!
One of my favorite things about spring are the lilacs. Thanks for the giveaway!
Here in the U.S. we have had a particularly bad winter! Spring couldn’t be more welcome. This is the 1st March since 1965 without any tornadoes and that’s because winter has lasted sooooo long. I live in “Tornado Alley” and they are predicting a high likelihood of an active tornado season but all of the trees and flowers blooming still make me love spring!
I love spring because there is nothing happier than seeing the spring flowers popping up to say hello 🙂
My favorite part of spring is being able to stop burning firewood to heat the house and being able to open the windows and let the fresh air in!
Bulbs springing up in the garden, people are happy
The thing I love most about spring is that it’s when the world comes to life again
The thing I most like about spring is walking my golden retriever in daylight and listening to the birds waking up.
I love the spring flowers and birds chirping.
Love the baby animals and flowers and trees blossoming!
I love all the bright colors of spring! Looking for word to sharing with my new grand daughter, she is 16 months. Everything is new and exciting to her.
Spring to me, means the hope of seeing more people smile, the beautiful fragrances and sights, the reminder of God’s greatness!
Spring makes me appreciate all the wonderful new things I see every day. After a difficult year it makes life seem positive and gives me strength and determination. We live on a beautiful world .
I love the warm weather, the light and the flowers… And the Easter bunnies too.
Spring.. hard to decide, is it the longer days or all of the shades of green that unfold so unexpectedly. It could be the return of all goldfinches… or a combination of all of the above. It’s absolutely the best season.
I love seeing all the spring floweres blooming
Ah Spring! Flowers. Sunshine. Asparagus and Rhubarb. What’s not to love?
Hi, what I love most about spring, so many things. Most of all the warmth and being able to open the house up and the sunshine and all the flowers and colors. Oh sorry I guess I got carried away with spring. lol Hugs Connie
I think I like the neighbors crocus that have been randomly transplanted in my yard by the squirrels. I am excited to see the purple she planted last year!
Baseball 🙂
A very American answer.
I would be honored to give fuzzy bunny a new home! The best part about spring is watching all the birds return to my feeders. I love watching the new little ones.
I love your projects.
My favorite thing is hearing the spring peepers at night- they are little frogs that live in trees. When you hear the peepers you know warmer days are ahead!
Listen to them here:
I love rabbits – they are such cute furry creatures – watching them all hop around – my cats love watching them out the window
Flowers and green grass.
Congratulations! I love starting seeds inside and the buds sweeping on all the trees!
I love the Spring flowers- the daffodils, the tulips, the crocuses- and the longer daylight hours!
Daffodils, bright and cheerful
Love the smell of grass growing and spring flowers.
I love spring flowers and bunnies and, most of all, the Lord’s resurrection and Easter. I would love to win this little grey bunny!
I love the green sprouts and the world seeing to come alive after a long, dismal winter.
Oh, what a darling little bunny! 🙂
After a long and hard winter (this year particularly cold – end of March and we still have mornings with -20C!) what I love most about Spring is the snow melting away and all the little buds appearing and eventually turning into beautiful flowers and lovely greens.
Love about spring the green plants and all the little animals.
Lovely bunny to win.
Spring is my favorite season! The birds return and tiny blooms peak their heads out of the brown dirt reminding us all of the beauty that is just below the surface.
My favorite thing about Spring are the flowers! New little plants pushing up through the once frozen flowerbeds make me want to get outside and clear the way for them to turn into beautiful blooms!
What I love most about spring are the birds chirping, the buds beginning to bloom, daffodils, tulips and crocus. And my Birthday! First day of spring! thank you for the chance to own a bunny.
Muskego, Wisconsin
I have enjoyed the magazine very much and access to patterns which I would not otherwise have seen.
Thank you
I love SUNSHINE and baby bunnies & chicks! Thanks for the chance to win your adorable little guy! Would you believe he’d be the *only* spring/Easter decoration we have? Yup, it’s never really been about the inside for us, always the outside. By the time we get all the flowers planted & all the outdoor furniture painted, there’s never any money left over for anything inside. Oh well, at least we’re fortunate enough that we CAN spruce up the outdoors!
Spring here in Nevada is perfect. Tempatures are not too hot yet. It’s a perfect time of year for getting outside and enjoying the mildness of the dessert.
What I love most about spring is that is when my first daughter was born. March 27th to be exact. Although you didn’t ask, I love summer because my middle daughter was born then and the only thing I love about winter is the birth of my youngest daughter and my only grandchild. PS: Love your work
I love spring because it promises so much. It fills me with good intentions, not always followed through!
My favorite thing about Spring is the new growth on trees, bushes and plants popping up from their Winter rest.
I love to see all the first flowers to bloom and all the new flowers on the trees.
hello Helen
My favorite thing about Spring is the very first Crocus.
When I was at school (many years ago) it was always a competition to see the first bloom.
Cally x
Just to say I like this litle bunny so much. And the carrots are so cute !!! I hope to be lucky and win !
Here the spring is coming. After the winter, it seems so good to spend our life outside. All the flowers are growing up every day. We can see a lot of colours : yellow, blue, pink, white… Our cat “Gribouille” is so happy to run after the other cats or dogs and spends all the day in the garden listening to the birds. We have the chance to live in the country, in a small house which is very old.
Excuse me for my English but I speak French. In fact I am living in Belgium.
Hi there, the thing I love most about spring is the burgeoning of new life, both Flora and Fauna, particularly when the first daffodils come out I feel excited about the start of the new season.
Longer days and summer is a mere 2 wags of a lambs tail
As a massive fan of Helens patterns I love this bunny he means that spring is here. I love the longer days, sun shining and warmer temperatures and most of all Mother natures flowers and buds appearing. Enjoying the garden and the fact the sun can put a smile of everyone’s faces just like this little bunny.
Longer, brighter days with hopes for a long glorious summer.
I love working in my garden, seeing the spring flowers and taking walks.
I love everything about spring … the smell, the new growth, the birds’ return, etc. I just love your Allotment Thief – thanks for the chance to win him. xx
I love you little bunny. I also look forward to your newsletters and patterns. Thanks for sharing with us.
I love seeing the green tops of the tulips and daffodils poking up through the soil after a long winter. It means spring is finally here!
I love the new growth of spring. All the pretty flowers and the fragrances of lily of the valley and the hyacinths. And I love seeing the new babies – little squirrels.
I love the springtime attack on my senses from the gentle waft of the lilac bushes on a warm gentle breeze to the refreshment of the grass greening and begging for its first mowing. All this competes with the myriad of flower scents.
To me, spring signifies the rebirth of nature in all of it’s freshest, most beautiful glory. It reminds me that no matter how difficult our “winter” times may be, with faith and prayer things will get better, and that our “springtime” will arrive at the right time. By the way, your bunny is absolutely adorable!
I love the freshness of Spring and the promise of a new beginning. The snowdrops round my apple tree and walking down the lane seeing the daffodils and primroses in the hedgerow
I love the warmer weather and when everything first starts turning green again.
what I like most about spring is the fresh morning dew and daffodils blooming, chicks, lambs and Easter eggs! the daylight brighter and days becoming longer, birds chirping seemingly happier.
Sunshine! pastel colors!yummy lighter recipes! family picnics, and cheeky bunnies!
Thank you!
I love the warmer weather!
What isn’t there to love about spring….longer days, lighter nights…being in the garden more…..little grey rabbit is gorgeous xx
I wish there was a way to post a picture here – would show you a bunnies nest that I found this weekend. I love spring – everything about it!
Ohhh Ellen!! i have plenty of room at home for this cutie!!
I love the unique smells: like wet leaves in the fall, I love earth after it rains, soil, the first bulbs out of the ground. Most especially? when freesias are out in the stores around Easter. It isn’t warm enough in Colorado for them to bloom yet, but they’re in the stores! plus, the real bunnies love to eat their blossoms, sigh…
thanks for sharing, Helen! I enjoy your emails
The smell of freshly mown grass!
I love the fresh air and being able to hang clothes on the line.
…sorry, forgot to mention that what I love of spring is the renewal feeling and the chance of seeing plants blossom miracles…
New shoots, birds singing, lighter nights, warmer weather,happy faces joy joy joy…….
What I love about spring is the first day of spring is my husbands birthday . He is a very sweet man and a great grandfather to our 5 grandchildren . He makes spring special for me every year
This is such an adorable bunny – I love making things like this for my grandchildren and all kinds of easter prettiness too. Thanks for the chance to win this little fella my granddaughter Tess would love him so much. What I love most about Spring is the flowers.
What do I love most about spring? Warmer weather! Cheers from the frigid Northeast of the United States!
I love Spring because it means that Winter is finally gone, for a while anyway, the bulbs poking through the soil and the promise of warmer days. Thanks for the chance to win.
Easter Bunnies make me smile!
My favourite things about spring are the sunshine, daffodils and lambs.
what I love most about spring is going to the local greenhouse, seeing all the beautiful flowers in bloom and picking out the ones I like the most for my own gardens
I love the Spring flowers and the fresh air!
The light comes back to my life, my heart lifts and colour fills my soul.
The world is waking up xx
The pussy willows and lilacs coming out. Thank you so much for the chance.
I love the spring blossom on the tree in our neighbours garden and the way the air seems so fresh. I love to see the first flowers appearing on the bushes in my garden.
There’s so much beauty to love about spring but for me the thing I love most is how happy it makes everyone, it’s like no matter what has come before, new things will come x
I love Spring because it cheers me up. I hate January because it is such a flat month and I find it depressing (probably after Christmas). I didn’t celebrate last Christmas as I had an awful year – we had to say goodbye to our 4 year old Irish Wolfhound in June. My husband became ill. We lost a cat we had rescued who was like a dog who followed me everywhere and the Mainecoon we rescued with him has been ‘cat napped’ by one of my neighbours. Then my daughter lost her baby (ruptured eptopic pregnancy the local hospital did not pick up and collapsed at home despite two visits to the hospital that week – the last one that day!) and the day after that my husband passed away just after our 8th wedding anniversary.
So, you can imagine I am happy to see snowdrops and daffodils and blossom. I need cheering up!
Sorry it is such a depressing story 🙂
My favorite thing about Spring is all things green!! I live in a very cold climate (9 months of the year), so warmth, sun and green make me incredibly happy!
It’s that fresh new green color that renews me each time.
The first day of spring falls on my husband’s birthday so it’s a double celebration around here! My favorite things about spring are the flowers (daffodils, apple blossoms and primroses, all those lovely things) and the way it smells. I can step outside, take a big sniff, and know that it truly is spring.
That little bunny is so sweet, and I could give him a wonderful home. We’ve got 3 sets of twin lambs to keep him company so he wouldn’t be lonely! 🙂
The thing I love most about spring is new beginnings. There’s new life everywhere you look and the world seems fresh and full of hope and wonder. Spring seems like anything is possible!
I love seeing the garden come back to life; green shoots of daffodils and tulips.
I love that colour is appearing in the garden – and that it won’t be long before I can start to go barefoot again!
I love to see the flowers pushing up through the earth and the linger days. Long walks on the beach with my dog with a breeze blowing away the cobwebs.
Spring brings beautiful flowers blooming everywhere, and the most gorgeous sunsets!
I love how warm the sunshine feels this time of year, such a welcome sensation! And the lengthening daylight erases all my cares.
I love the buds on the tree’s and the flowers busting through the ground, if the snow will ever go away!
I love the dogwood trees, and the blue skies…I love the warm temperatures, too! I love being outdoors and enjoying Mother Nature in all of her finery! Hope you enjoy your spring, too!
I love the smell of the air when I open the windows….. the flowers, the damp dirt and the sunshine all mixed together.
I love the fact when we get tons of snow(which we did) I can’t wait to see all the beautiful flowers, trees & green grass. You can smell Spring in the air
I love Spring’s warmer weather after a cold Winter past, as the Earth slowly wakes from it’s sleep. The pastel color of the flowers, The brown grass turning back to green. Seeing the birds build their nests high up in trees while hearing them sweetly sing.
I love the green leaves coming out, and the flowers popping out all over. Little bursts of colors coming to life again!
I love seeing the redbud trees,, followed by the dogwoods blooming — and knowing that Easter is approaching. This year we celebrated the beginning of spring by welcoming a new granddaughter, Alexandria Ann Marie on March 22!
I love starting new spring projects,enjoying the light nights and watching the flowers start to bloom. Wonderful!
Spring sees the first little green sprouts poking through the leaves, new life emerging! Daffy buds are trying to decide whether it is warm enough to venture forth or not. Our little, fuzzy mason bees are buzzing around for food, and woodland wild flowers are beginning to bloom along with the myriad of snow drops (late this year due to the cold!) scattered across the hillside. Warmth is coming!
I love the bird chorus that meets you in the morning
What a darling bunny! Spring to me is tulips, daffodils, more sunshine and warmth! Thanks
Watching the bulbs I planted at our house when we first bought it bloom!!!!
I love the spring smells in the air and the feeling of warmer weather right around the corner. The bunny is very cute and our grandchildren would adore it.
I have a garden full of beautiful flowers each spring beginning with daffodils on into summer roses! Love the promise of Spring and new beginnings!
I live in Arizona so it is only for a short time in the spring that I can have my windows open and feel a nice fresh breeze and hear the birds singing . It makes me happy.
The smells of Spring get me every time, the smell of flowers, the ‘sweet green’ smell of fresh cut grass!
I love all the new babies being born. We live on a small little ranch, and I love to see all the new little chicks and ducklings hatching. The calves and foals being born. Its such a privilege to be able to see it all.
Cold, sunny weather which means that the daffodils will be flowering for longer!
The little cottontail rabbits that live in our yard come out again along with the quail. Soon there will be babies. The mischievous bunny would join another that my father gave me.
I love Spring – first you have the snowdrops promising Spring is just around the corner, then the Daffodils start to appear which cheers me up and the garden starts to spring to life.
He’s adorable. As the mommy in the house I generally do not get an Easter basket but I make them for everyone else. This little guy would be a wonderful Easter present for me. Selfish I know but he is just too cute! Thank you.
Bright sunny mornings
I love to hear the bird songs on a spring day as I appreciate the renewal of life and spirit.
i love the azaleas outside in our front yard. My little brother caught a black racer snake about a week ago and carried it everywhere 🙂
The smells! Everything green!
I love spring as it brings lighter nights, new life and energy. X
Open windows, Jonny Jump Ups, and renewed hope. I can’t wait
I love the warmer air that pulls me outside to work in the garden or to just walk.
I love Spring for a few reasons. It’s a beginning of new live as flower gardens and veggie gardens start coming to life, the trees start to show their leaves, birds are chirping and most of all my Lord is once again Resurrected from the dead. It truly is a new life for all.
Spending time withy Step-Grandchildren! They are learning to sew and do crafts with me! The little bunny could watch over them and give them inspiration! Happy Spring!
Spring brings us the knowledge that life is still evolving and a promise of the summe to come
I love spring for the lovely days that all things start blooming, baby wildlife showing up, and that it is warm but not to warm yet as in summer in 100+ here!!
It is impossible to name one favorite! Longer days, new life, peepers peeping, flowers blooming and new baby calves in the pasture!
Love the yellows of the daffodils in the garden
Love spring because go out a walk my bull dog. We both ned it after the long winter. Like to see all the flowrrs comming up. Plus I love bunnies!
For me, the best part of Spring is the notion of a new beginning, for plants, baby animals, life in general… it is always a time of hope and fresh starts.
I love watching mother nature awakening and coming to life along with birth of all the new little creatures. 🙂 x
Spring to me is a time of rebirth. Seeing the trees sprout their leaves and blossoms, with tiny little fruits to follow. Chirping birds, the buzz of hummingbirds around the flowers and the sun’s caress across my skin.
Little Fuzzy Bunny would be well cared for at my home. Imagine his big adventure, coming to the USA and living in California with a frisky little weiner dog as his best buddy. Romps in the grass, a nibble here and there if wanted – a warm bed to snuggle in at night – hugs from a little girl, or lazing around watching me create & sew – what more could a happy bunny ask for!
The thing I love about spring is the colours that start to appear as the flowers and blossom begin to show their smiling faces. The bunny is so cute.
I love spring as the weather is warmer and theirs begin to turn green again and of course the return of the flowers and leaves .
My favorite part of spring is the reawakening of all of nature. The trees, birds, gardens, followed by animal babies. All ready to grow and live.
I love the warmer weather and the fact I can do a little gardening and add beautiful plants to my yard. And it means the end of “Cabin Fever”.
So cute! Thanks for this giveaway! What I love from Spring is that nature reborns, it’s full of flowers, green… :))
I love the smell of the lilac bushes that bloom in my yard. I love the colours of flowers poking their heads up from a long winters; nap. I love the feel of the clean air and new sun on my face and skin after a long winter of bundling up.
I love the beginning of spring as my japanese shirotai blossom tree flowers for the whole of April – I can see it from my kitchen window and it gives me such joy 🙂
I love the birds migrating back – love the hiking and bird watching seasons!
The thing I love most about Spring is the sense of renewal that comes with the tiniest of green leafing out on the wakening trees, the beautiful flowering bulbs bursting forth….it is a new beginning! That truly energizes me!
I love to see all the flowers and trees beginning to bud! It is always such a beautiful surprise!!
In the UK, the days start to get longer, so instead of getting up and coming home from work in the dark, there is more and more daylight in the evenings. It feels like you have hours more in your day, and always makes me excited and energized!
I love to hear the birds singing, the smell of cut grass and the pretty blossom that falls on the path. I also, love Easter, along with chocolates and all the goodies, especially as it’s my birthday x
I love the birth of new things that spring brings.
I love the garden coming to life after winter bringing a promise of bright fun days with the family ( and dog) in the long warm months to come. Trips to beach or country walks and time to enjoy each other.
What do I love about Spring?…. that lovely sense of renewal and new life! An assurance that everything is well after the Winter…. and of course, the longer days so I can garden and be in my happiest element outside….Lush!
I love seeing the sunset at the beach after a long day at work. I love the smell of jasmines in bloom.
I love the smell of the first cut grass of the season and just being happy from day to day in the sunshine!
I love almost everything about spring, but most of all daffodils. They remind me of my grandmother who used to grow them for me every spring!
I love spring, because it’s a new begin. New leaves, new flowers and often so many new lovers.
Your little Allotment Thief is so cute! I love to win him, because I start this year my first allotment.
Thank you for the chance.
…..that it is going to be here eventually…here in Ontario things are moving very slowly this year. Still lots of snow but the reappearance of the beautiful birds at all of my feeders tells me Spring will come! The ones that were here all winter are moving out slowly to make room for the new arrivals. Ain’t life grand!
What’s not to love about Spring? The birds have come back. Our roses are all in bloom. My geranium is bursting. My kitties roll in the sunshine. So do I.
What I love most about spring is the sound of songbirds that have come back home to make their nests.
What I love most about spring is the sound of songbirds who have come back home after the winter to make their nests.
I love the spring bulbs that are blooming everywhere.And I love to see all the greenery coming out…I am not a fan of winter at all…But all the pollen in the spring does bother my allergies…Thank you for the chance to enter the bunny giveaway. I have a perfect spot for him in the family room amongst my Easter display but I am thinking he might look cute their all year.
Warm weather
Longer days mean more sewing time as I am not as reliant on electric light which can hurt my eyes due to glaucoma.
Crocuses! When I see them pop up I know spring is here 😉
Spring means we have the whole summer to look forward to. Sitting in my garden with a needle and thread, the bees buzzing, the birds singing and everything in full bloom…..Bliss
I love the song of the blackbird that I can hear now the mornings are getting lighter.
You may laugh at this…but we got a new puppy in November and with all the snow she’s had “potty pads” all around the house. Spring means she can finally go outside and see what the real world is like. Birds and bunnies to get acquainted with!!
“Mr. Fuzzy” is too cute and would be perfect amongst my spring time flowers. I love spring and all of the beautiful blooms that come alive in my garden. They smell so wonderful.
Happy Springtime to you and yours!!
I love the promise of new beginings and seeing all the birds and butterflies returning, flowers in bud, it’s lovely.
Too feel the warm sun after a long cold hard winter, and watch the flowers bloom, walking on our trails and watching the forest come alive.
Spring is the best time of year, all the trees in bud, fresh green in the hedges beautiful daffodils. And the light mornings winter becomes a distant memory. oh and Easter. What’s not to love about chocolate Easter eggs
i love spring because its the renew of life all the plants and animals start fresh.
The color of spring- green! The green that is the color of the young, fresh leaves bursting out on bare branches and the little blades of grass pushing up thru the old straw colored grass of winter. The green that is only seen in nature this time of year!
I can have my three lovely children home for 2 whole weeks, full of easter crafting, egg hunting and enjoying the springtime sunshine!
Love getting my seedlings started and hearing all the birds that have migrated back home!
As far as the muddy stuff…yuck!
Cheers, from Ontario Canada
I love the first snowdrops in the village churchyard.
Its the daffodils for me I love to see them blooming
I think Spring is God’s gift to us for surviving winter. It is like starting over every year; a sense of renewal and hope.
Spring is so optimistic and so full of promise. I love the longer days and sunshine and look forward to all the green and growing things.My little gray cat would love a bunny friend.
I love to get out and work in the yard, some planting, trimming and cleaning up.
Warmer weather, sunshine and flowers!
Flowers, sunshine. Easter and the special Easter ham and bread we have as a tradition. Cute bunnies and Easter eggs. Decorating with pastels again.
I love the colours and the warmth of Spring!!
I love the colors of spring. It is very inspirational as a quilter. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love the warmer weather and finally being able to take my winter jumper off – I live in it over winter
I love the little pops of spring colour as the bulbs in the garden wake from their winter slumber. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!!
Each Spring is a promise for a new beginning.
My FAVORITE time of year is SPRING!! I love everything about it, colors, flowers, BUNNIES and birds. I LOVE your sweet Bunny and would love to add him to my collection XO
I love the weather not to hot and not cold and the flowers that are budding. Makes me happy
Love the fresh air, warm sun, baby animals and the ability to plant a garden. Of course that includes lettuce for the rabbits.
I love being able to open my windows and let the fresh air inside the house.
Tulips, daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, lilacs, fresh air, the Resurrection and hope for life eternal . . .
Light and colour and the chance to feel the warm sun again.
what I love most is that my birthday is on spring and reminds me of my childhood when my mom used to hide easter chocolate eggs all over the house.
I love spring because as the weather gets warmer I can go out for long walks with my girls to count the beautiful flowers without wearing 6 layers of clothes!!
I love the longer days and planting my Spring garden!
Our winter is never ending this year. And here it is almost April. So, if I saw a dozen of your rabbits in my garden they would be a welcomed sight.
Spring just makes everyone hopeful, with all the beautiful inspiring flowers growing
Of course our seasons down here in New Zealand are the other way around from you but the thought of sunshine, flowers, baby animals, opening up the house, stripping off all those layers we wear to keep warm. Bunnies are a bit of a pest here on the farm but yours could never be called that – hehe
Puddles. And watching a two year old in pink flowered boots jumping in them.
What I love most about Spring is taking off all that heavy and bulky winter clothes!)) And my birthday is on the 19th of April…)
My favorite thing about spring is seeing the ducklings and bunnies born during the season
The colours, the light, the warmth…everything!!!! 🙂
Spring means more daylight hours to complete that special project, and renewed energy to commence something new.
Spring is renewal here in Utah in the US. It gets very snowy and drab here in winter and spring brings me tulips, peonies and all my blossoms coming up. So my favorite part is the flowers and renewal of the greenery that all goes brown in winter.
Thanks for the chance. I get your newsletter now!
I love the smells and sounds of Spring. Everything smells so fresh and new and the birds are all chirping.
New life. Every where, there is new life 🙂
Seeing beautiful flowers and buds everywhere and the possibility of new beginnings.
He is risen.
Sandra Beck
I love the way I feel when my eyes absorb the freshness and grace of Spring.
love the mornings warming up with the soft spray of dew covering the bright green grass….the colours of spring are simply perfect.
My favorite part of spring is the warmer temperatures and seeing the beautiful Texas bluebonnets.
I love the spring flowers and seeing the birds collecting nesting materials. Warmer days and lighter nights on the way.
I love the HOPE and renewal of Spring! Newness of life, the rebirth of the buds on the trees, flowers peeking up through the soil, small and big animals romping and playing and new babies born! I love your little bunny! <3
I love spring because I remember my beautiful daughter being born Easter weekend, amid all the chocolate, daffodils and lambs I only had eyes for my gorgeous girl Breanna-Fey. It is such a special time x
I love the early spring crocus…I admire their courage, as the buds push up through the late spring snow and bloom despite the cold temperatures. They’re the first sign of spring in my yard.
XXX Linda
I love Spring because it brings a promise of new life to our earth! I love to look for the tiny green buds on the branches of the bushes that will soon burst forth with leaves and flowers. It brings a smile to my face and an extra beat to my heart!!!
I love the little grey bunny!
Spring come early in Florida, but it has the most perfect weather. Low humidity and temps in the 70’s. In the north I always loved the blooming of bulb flowers and cherry blossom trees.
I love spring because it represents everything new and growing. I love flowers, bunnies, birds, and the baby deer in my yard.
I love that you are so generous to find the mischievous little bunny a new home. My home would be a perfect place for the Bunny to play year round!
What I love most about Spring is the fresh smelling air when you walk out the door and then catching the smell of the spring flowers in the air.
I live in New England and still have more than a foot of snow all over my backyard.
I am originally from the UK so I love all the spring flowers. Iris, daffodils, tulips, hyacinth, jonquils, and my all time favorite, freesia. We were married 44 years ago in April and I had Freesia in my bouquet. So many reasons to love spring.
i love throwing open all the windows in the house and taking my 4-½ mile walk without freezing or sweating to death I’m from Texas
Oh Helen…what not to love? Even here in relatively temperate Melbourne, spring brings welcome sunshine and good, soaking rains. The chance to throw open the doors and windows (ooh, must give them a clean sometime). The excuse to be out in the garden and forget about jobs waiting inside. Bless. x
Oh, he’s just adorable!!! Thank you for the opportunity – I’d love to give this to my wee girl instead of chocolate! Okay, as well as!!!
My absolute favourite thing about Spring is the daffodils!! When they appear, Spring has truly arrived!
Thanks again!
A fresh beginning to a year where all is ready for a new start. To see the spring bulbs coming through and the brightness of the daffodils bring a lift to the heart and senses.
What do I love about Spring is that it makes me thinks of all the possibilities of everything, it makes me feel all la la la la happy.
I love the “awakening” of earth after a cold and hibernating winter. The beautiful sunshine brings warmth and happiness to all. Of course, the cute bunny is a beautiful reminder of what blooms from the ground. We have an 18 month grandson who would really love bunny!
What I love about Spring is my bulbs popping out,nice walks in the woods with my pup.Birds singing,and the Easter egg hunt I have for my granddaughter. Your bunny is cute
I love a warm rain in spring!
My favorite aspect of Spring is being able to go outside and enjoy the warmer weather, and seeing the little finches build their nest right outside my bedroom window.
hanging the washing outside to dry for the first time in months 🙂
Definitely sunny days, flowers and the smell of freshly cut grass 🙂
Opening windows x
I think my favorite thing about Spring is the reminder that things can get better! Spring brings fresh hope! And the most wonderful smelling fresh air, too! I would love to win that adorable bunny! I have plenty of room for him and my grandchildren would adore him.
Just love the colours that start springing up everywhere and hearing the birds sing.
I love the lighter mornings and delicate spring flowers peeking out every where. The feeling of nature slowly waking up as green shoots start to grow, its a time of promise – the promise of a long hot summer to come.
What I love most about spring is that it is the sign of renewal and rebirth and reminds me of God’s promise of “rebirth.” The bunny is so cute and would be very much at home with other softies that are here. They hope he will soon be joining them.
Thank you so much for all the wonderful creations that you share and for the opportunity to win one of your adorable creations.
Terri at the Drake’s Nest in Palm Bay, Florida
love Spring time because new life is coming alive. Colors are peeping out.
i love it when i walk the dog down the lane listerening to all the birds singing and the dew glisterning on the grass and tiny spring flowers
What I love most about spring! Well this year there are a lot of things, here in Massachusetts we had a very bad winter so to see the Blue Jays and Robins playing in the puddles as the snow is melting it tells me spring is here! Now I am just waiting for the crocuses… That is the final detail to tell me spring has finally sprung and she hasn’t quite here yet! And I hope you all have a Happy Easter, whether the little guy comes this way or not he is so adorable!
i love the flowering trees and bulbs in the spring. And this is the cutest little bunny ever!
i love spring, especially when the spring flowers start blooming and the days are longer.
Spring to me is heaps of things, more especially longer days with perfect temperatures. Gorgeous flowers and the sheer joy of knowing how wonderful it is to just be alive and wrap my arms around my wonderful family and my truly special friends and to cuddle my furry friends. My little grand daughter Elli would treasure Allotment Thief. Quilty hugs xox
I love all the plants flowering & the baby animals & birds. Nature is very busy at this time of year.
March is my birth month…..a lovely time to be born! Spring is wonderfully green and chartreuse is my favorite spring green. Wonderful spring colors are popping up all over my little piece of paradise in California.
I love being able to sit on my back porch and listen to the birds in the blossoming trees!
I love how everything comes to life in the spring-time!!!
Awaking to the birds chorus in the morning and feeling like I really want to get up.
Walking to work in daylight and also returning home when its light.
Being able to look out at my garden when im cooking in the evening instead of just my reflection looking back at me. Spring just seems to make people feel happier!!!!
I enjoy the return of the singing birds and the trees leafing out.
I love the lighter nights a and warmer weather.
I love the return of the bluebirds. I have 6 nesting boxes and it is a spring ritual for my grandchildren and me to walk the perimeter of the yard to check to see what is building in the houses.
SPRING means more baby bunnies coming up to my window with their mums. I live with the bunnies on the towans and feed them by my window so I can see how they are doing. I have my regulars, like the one I nursed who wasn’t well and I fed him rosehips and we become best friends, his name is ello ello and is the only one that doesn’t run away when I go outside. Spring means I get to see their babies and feel very special when mums bring them up to visit me. Spring means more bunnies so I feel I am blessed to see and feed the little ones 🙂 Spring is baby bunny time for me
The bright spring flowers popping up after all the grey of winter is a lovely sight. Such a cute mischievious bunny!
Spring is great because of all the flowers blooming and the birds, especially the hummers and Orioles are back
I LOVE the bunnies in the spring. We even share our garden with them. Last year, we had to leave one of raised beds to the weeds because Momma Bunny chose it as the perfect nursery. I put prints of Victorian bunnies in every room of the house!
Spring is a time of Rebirth and the Blossoming of New Life… I can hear the new born lambs across the street from my home and I am so glad to see the Flowers popping up thru the warmed soil Reaching toward the Sun…I know it soon will be time to plant my Garden…Wonder if the little Bunny would like to sit and watch me plant?
I love rabbits. Spring is renewal and an opportunity to shake off the cabin fever after a long, cold winter. I enjoy working in the garden and going camping!!!
Love that bunny! But really I love that the sun shines so much more giving me a more pleasant outlook on life in general.
Thanks for the opportunity to win such a gorgeous Easter treat! I absolutely adore the freshness of Spring. I only wish it coincided with Easter for those of us in the Southern Hemisphere! But we’re doubly lucky because we get to sew for Easter and then for Spring! Happy Easter everyone x
Spring brings the happy songs of the birds returning and all the beautiful flowers popping out of the ground. I love the sights and smells that go with spring.
I love spring because of the fresh mornings, the wakening of nature and the flowers that appear… where I live “unfortunately” we have no spring, only hot season or rainy season, we have lots of also beautiful flowers blooming all year round but I really miss spring with the crocuses and daffodils and tulips.
We recently had 62 cm of snow dumped on us in one day here in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada! There are mountains of snow everywhere! So I will be delighted to see bare ground – crocuses will be a bonus!
I love more sunshine in the spring, along with longer days, warmer temps and beautiful spring flowers!
Mostly the weather! Being able to just step outside my door anytime and go for a walk or sit outside evenings. I’m also loving the scent of the Night-Blooming Jasmine and the orange blossoms.
Easter bunnies, the longer days and my beautiful Camellia is in full bloom!
I think SPRING is God’s way of saying…”OK I’ll give you another chance.” With all the colors, smells and warmth it’s hard not to be ready to start again and enjoy our earth even more.
I love the reawakening of nature and the fluffy white clouds after a rain. Everything seems to shine, including people.
The best thing about Spring is the snow will finally be gone! It’s been a hard winter on the East Coast of the US!
I love seeing all the daffodils blooming!
So cheery.
What I love most about spring is seeing all the spring flowers it reminds me of a new beging.
I love this little rabbit too. Reminds me of my childhood. We raised rabbits what great fun.
I love the Spring colors, the fresh scent of blossoming flowers and the new sprouts on my fruit trees. What’s not to love! Thank you for hosting a lovely giveaway ❤️
Packing away and no longer wearing my parka! I feel 50 pounds lighter!
I love spring because I feel like mother nature is waking up from a long nap. I love hearing the birds singing again and a the colors.
The smells, the smell of the air the smell of manure being spread on fields the smell of dirt, the smell of flowers, love it
I love all the flowers. It smells like sugar when I take my corgis for a walk.
I love the blossoms on the trees and the jonquils. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
I love taking a walk on a nice Spring day and experiencing everything the season brings. Spring flowers popping up, the smell in the air and the feel of the air, even the color of the sky seems more special. I even like a Spring snow storm that leaves just a little white cap on the daffodils and tulips.
My favorite thing about spring is seeing the robins return and watch them build nests in the trees around the house.
I love the wildflowers that bloom in the spring most of all, but really, ALL the colors returning are such a delight. And I love this bunny, if I don’t win him, I’ll just have to make myself one!
Spring is birds chirping as I wake up with sun peeping in the windows, robins looking for worms in the yard, nests being built, and colored pieces of eggs as I am able to walk. I watch for each flower to pop out of the garden while watching everyone in spring colors outside laughing, cheerful, and happy. Spring!
I love that nature is coming back to life. I live in the Mid-Hudson Valley of New York and we have had a very long, cold winter. My cala lilies are in urns in my dining room and every morning I love seeing them growing taller and taller. Soon I am hoping for flowers.
My fav thing about Spring is the bright green of the grass against rainy skies.
What’s not to love about spring??? 🙂 I am in favor of bright yellow daffodils and the smell of warm, growing earth and the longer days and….
🙂 Linda
My favorite thing about Spring is walking around my yard and watching all of my flowers pop out of the ground.
Spring is my favourite season. I love the longer days and especially the dawn chorus I live in Scotland it can wake me rather early. The different colours of the fields as the crops start to grow and the hedges and flowers – all wonderful.
I love seeing all the flowers start popping up and the trees starting to bud. All the birds returning from their winter home and everything else that starts coming back to life.
When I think of Spring, I think of new beginnings.
Spring can be a bit scary here in the AZ desert because it means that summer is almost here. I do love the excitement I feel about all things possible this time of the year! I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength! I love seeing all the wild flowers and opening up my home to the outdoors. I’d love to be able get out and go hiking and this is the only time of the year that I might try. I love spying on baby quail who begin to come out of nests to follow their mamas around while daddy quail keep watch over them all. I love working on floral quilts instead of Christmas ones which have to be started again soon enough.
Spring brings new beginnings. The earth begins to awaken and new life begins.
I love the rain in Spring the most. The sound of it is relaxing and it just seems to back everything new again after the long winter.
I love Spring flowers!
Oh my! He’s so sweet! Thank you for the chance! As for spring….I love all the color, the bright flowers, sunshine, cool breeze and having the windows open!!! 🙂
The spring flowers, the promise of warmer days to come of lighter evenings and the general feeling of renewal.
Spring, rebirth of the soil and flowers which provide plenty of color and ideas for embroidery and quilt designs.
I love it in spring when you can shed your coats and heavy shoes and you feel like your walking on air!
My favorite thing about spring is new mulch for my flower beds! I guess you can tell that i’m a gardener by that answer, but I just love the warmer weather, getting outside, cleaning up my flower beds, and putting down new sweet-smelling mulch!
I love flowers..spring is the best time to see all the flowers….
I love the pops of color from the daffodils and the smell of fresh cut grass after a long cold winter.
Last week I looked in the front yard and there appeared little purple crocus. A spring miracle.
I love spring as everything seems to wake up after a long winter sleep. The Crocus popping up and the happy Pansy’s. So bright and happy.
tracinecharest at gmail dot com
Spring makes me happy because it means winter is so far away!
Although it is Autumn “Down Under” I still love spring for all the new beginnings.& new life.
I love the promise of rebirth which comes with spring. From our Lord and Savior to the buds on the branches and in the ground…life begins anew!
My favorite part of spring is flowers green leaves and no snow. Thank you for the chance to when this darling bunny.
Spring is a time of renewal. I love the longer days, the fresh smell of the newly thaed earth, the first Robin, the daffodils peaking through. What isn’t to love.
I like the fact that you can get outside to see everything coming back to life after the long cold winter temperatures. A new lease on life, this year coming up with all the plants also.I thing that the bunny is so sweet looking also.
I believe Spring means a new beginning and a chance to try harder and do better. It also means everything is green, pretty, and fresh.
There are so many things to love about spring…the new babies, the flowers, the moderate temperatures, and longer days.
I love the tiny buds on the trees just giving the bare brown winter branches that first hint of green and announcing that Spring has come at last!
I love springtime and Easter for so many reasons. First of all, I’m an April girl born in the springtime, I love the soft colors of this season, the birds love songs building their nest, the rebirth of nature, the lovely flowers in the green grass, the song of the rain’s pearls on my umbrella, the shades of the changing sky, the rainbows and the hares in the countryside (and sometimes in my garden too!). This is my favorite season!
Thanks for this generous give away and for your lovely works bringing smiles on my face!
I love springtime, time to go outside and see my grandchildren play outside en enjoy the weather as I do, they just have newborn rabbits, 3.of them but their 6 month old brother can not play with them so he would love the bunny, and can play with him outside in his buggy we leave the dark days of winter behind and enjoy the outdoors of spring feel the sun on your skin en enjoy the beauty the world gives us
I love the early morning light in Spring; it has a beautiful slightly watery quality. The garden sparkles and is so inviting- if a little chilly! The bunny would have a very good home with me too.
I love the hope that spring brings, new birth as creation dances and comes alive again.
I love Easter baking with my little girl – spiced easter biscuits, chocolate crispy cake nests with choc mini eggs nestled in them
The lighter evenings, the blossom on the trees and the feeling that life is bursting to get out there
Things I love about spring – all the new life that surrounds us and the promise of long lazy summer days.
Thanks for the opportunity to win the Allotment Theif – though if he comes to live with me he will have serious competition from the real allotment theives who love to thwart my efforts in the allotment!
I just love that feeling of anticipation in the air as everything starts to wake from the winter. Everything is full of promise for the months ahead.
Birds building nests, blue skies, spring flowers all make for a happier me x
I love the blossoms on the fruit trees, the warmer weather, the promise of a thunder storm when the earth smells raw and fresh, the anticipation of outdoor cooking, but oh dear, I have another five and a bit months to wait here in South Africa!
That’s quite the loveliest bunny I’ve ever seen! The best thing about Spring is the Easter break and the bank holidays in May – lots of time for spending time with friends and family, crafting beautiful things, and enjoying the fresh spring weather!
I like spring as it is the start of new life in the garden and animal world. Daffodils always make me smile as they are so cheerful and they remind me of my mum who got married with daffodils. All the lambs are starting to be born and the birds are nesting. Fills you with hope that life finds a way to continue.
Joseph and I love to have lunch in a sheltered corner of our garden, nicely warmed by the spring sun.
I love the Spring flowers peeking out brightly and cheerily to greet the warmer weather.
When I was having my daughter my mum came to visit me whilst I was in the ward being induced and brought me a massive bunch of daffodils. To this day – 22 years later – daffodils remind me of that moment and my mother’s love.
Spring is my favourite season of the year. As a keen crafter it fills me with inspiration for new projects. I’ve just completed a picture for my wall made up with 3D fabric flowers with all the lovely Spring colours! x
i love everything about spring the earth is waking up, everything smells yummy. Your bunny would be very happy with my bunnies Barney and Honey who are very mischievous and live in a 4star hutch and have the run of my garden.
I love all of the flowers, especially the crocuses. A shot of colour outside the kitchen window brightens up my day. x
The days are longer, the kids are coming out to play and the tiny green leaves have begun to peek out of their little winter nests.
A beautiful, fun, cuddly bunny I would love to own.
I live in Texas. I’ve been watching the flowers this past week a lot. They are so beautiful. I noticed a bird has built a home in a gourd my grand-daughter painted. That is so cool. She was super excited when I told her. I can see this everyday as my sewing machine is at a window in front of the tree. Wonderful.
I love all the flowers, blossoming trees, and the buzzing of the bees!
Spring in tropical north Queensland means saying goodbye to the lovely cool of winter, the tailing off our vegetable growing season, and desperately trying to get all our plantings done in time for the sultry hot dry and wet seasons. The seasons here are completely different. The aboriginal people had at least six seasons and, after you’ve lived here a while, you can identify them!
we’ve got two little rabbits so it’s lovely to see them running round the garden when spring comes.
and i love the daffodils. any escuse to buy flowers for the kitchen! xxx
i love spring when i hear the merel, (bird) sing his song at the and of the day. i think he is singing just for us;) and to find a partner.
Spring is my favourite season. I love to watch the birds in my garden, bulbs coming through to show flowers I forgot I planted, and this year we have a wedding next month and another grandchild due the next. Always hope and something to look forward to.
The best thing about Spring time is that i can draw inspiration from new leases of life, especially the plant life and the family of squirrels that live in my garden. Love your giveaway and your blog.
First, I love your bunny and all of your designs. Thank you. I love the spring flowers and the trees budding.
After a long cold winter it is wonderful to be out in the sunshine. Working in the garden and watching the flowers pop up is also high on my list.
I just love switching to a spring wardrobe and enjoying all the fresh colors of springtime!
I love most that everything is renewed again. It’s invigorating to see all the colors, plant my garden and watch my kids explore outside!
I love spring seeing daffodils coming through and the lambs playing in the fields they always make me smile to me they are the sign the earth coming back to life. We have three puppies running around this year which makes it even better as they are a new lease of life as well.
Spring! What’s NOT to love about it! Sunshine and new green growth! Spring makes me feel rich! Though I am certainly not. Thanks for the chance to adopt this little guy!
He’s so cute, I can hardly stand it! Would love to have him come & live with me!
I love the spring flowers, the warmer weather and the birth of so many sweet baby animals…
I love the fact that all the trees and flowers are waking up and showing off their new bright colours and little lambs in the fields such a lot of newness after the cold winter and longer days to enjoy it all
I love the different shades of green that appear first on the trees that have been brown for so long.
Hello Bustle & Sew , I love the little lambs , I love to watch them skipping and jumping across the fields and then snugglying up to their mummy for comfort . X
Spring is, I think the best season of the year, and the magnolia trees in bloom is so pretty to see…
Just retired to a little cabin on the side of a mountain in NW Montana. I get to see deer, rabbits and all the little critters that run around from my windows. The little bunny would love to see all the wild flowers that bloom here and all the ones that I will be planting this spring. Had to find out the ones that survive here.
The Thing I Like Most About SPRING is The Beautiful Spring Daffodils and Tulips and other Spring Flowers!
My husband and I are celebrating our 50Th. Anniversary this week-end and so spring is a very special time for us.
I would love to give him a belated gift.
Thank you for sharing your talent and time with us.
My family comes out of hibernation and starts to live again!!!!!!!
My favorite part of spring is when the tulips bloom out as they remind me of my mom. All the beautiful colors they come in remind me of her love of them.
I love Spring for all the beautiful colors that pop up with the flowers and the trees coming back to life.
I love the bunny. What I love most about spring…everything! The flowers, the colors popping, the new leaves, watching the peonies and other flowers start emerging from the ground. I check my yard daily to see what is next.
He is so sweet My fav thing about spring is to start planing veggies and herbs
I love seeing sudden bursts of colour in the hedgerows and fields around me. Driving up to Hythe and seeing the little black and white lambs in the fields playing chase or jump off Mummy. Most of all I love it because my birthday (27th March) falls at the beginning of spring so the next year of my life begins with beginnings.
The blooming trees and flowers are gorgeous. Seeing them makes me happy.
Spring means rebirth: out with the old and in with the new/
I love watching nature come to life again and then there’s all those chocolate Easter Eggs……!
The thing I love most is the surprise of the new daffodils, violets and hyacinths that are not there yesterday but they are here today! It never fails to surprise me no matter how long the winter or the wait. 🙂
I love to see the flowers of my garden slowly popping out of the ground like sleepy children. I also love watching all the birds return and singing in my trees.
I love spring with its beautiful flowers, they arrive just after a long winter, days are longer and we can enjoy our gardens.
This bunny is so cute !!
My favorite thing about spring is the longer, brighter days. I so miss the sunshine during the winter months! The little bunny is adorable and I sure hope he comes here to further brighten my spring!
My spring fairies can come out and paint with joyfull laughter and happy shouts, the new flowers in my fairy garden to make my life full and my heart warm after the long dreary months of miserable cold and wet.
SPRING is fresh, new, colour, light and seemingly more hours in the day to fill with the things I love to make and do…just a wonderful exciting season!
Spring means the earth is starting to warm up and I will be able to get my garden growing and producing delicious things.
What I like most about Spring is the scent of Earth thawing out
Spring in the Desert SW where I live is glorious! Golden poppies and deep blue wildflowers carpet the desert floor. The air smells sweet with the perfume of citrus blossoms. Your little bunny looks like the darling baby cotton tails that scurry to and fro, zig zagging on my dirt road when I drive onto my property. Their presence signals it will be a good year!
He is a handsome bunny! I love the smell of spring…nothing beats fresh dirt and rain on the air here in British Columbia.
I love the gentle greening of spring and all of the other glorious spring colors.
I love spring because it is when the world burst into life, it gives hope of new beginning , the darkness of winter is now gone and the Beauty of Mother Nature surround us.
I love the Spring – it is a reawakening from our winter hibernation, all the new beginnings tentatively starting around us – the buds bringing new life to the trees, the flowers cautiously opening and the birds beginning to nest, bring positive, motivational feelings, kindling inspiration to create and grow.
What a cute little devil that bunny is! The smell of spring is the best after a long cold winter. Nothing is better than opening the windows and being able to smell spring coming into my home. It makes me smile.
I love the spring when all the flowers start to bloom from the earth and the birds start nesting in my nesting boxes, it’s a renewal of life when the days begin to get longer and warmer, a time for regeneration.
That lovely fresh dewy smell of early evening.
This is adorable. I love the color everywhere and no snow. The smell of fresh air mmmmm…… [email protected]
Spring is revival to stay outside smelling new roses, make new activities as embrodery….accompanied by the sun !!!
In spring, I love the way
green comes to life overnight
and shoes are forgotten
trees dress themselves in pink and white
and birds sing a sweet chorus
daffodils dance in warm sunlight
and poetry has new life.
😉 It’s so much fun to play with words!
You are sweet to share him, he is just adorable! Thank you 🙂
Your bunny is sooooo cute!!! well done!!!
My easter feeling or spring is when i went to a small forest, really small, like all the Netherlands things and places are with in the spring just for a little while in between the threes you could watch the bulbs out the ground blooming. It was when i biked there for several easter hollidays just the real easter feeling.
It looked like a fairy forest.
Now i can’t go there, it’s to far for me, i can’t travel anymore, but i have the rememberings in my head;-D
It’s just those things that are for free when you watch those specail things around you;-D
I like when the days are longer, a few minutes everyday… More natural light, better mood !
NEW BEGINNINGS! That’s what I love about Spring! I feel revitalized to start new projects, try something I’ve never done before. Make a cloth art doll with embroidery all over her using silk ribbons and floss. Like the flowers that bloom in the Springtime-she will be named BLOSSOM.
I love Spring for that feeling of rebirth and new beginnings after such cold harsh winter. Of course my new favorite thing is Helen’s newsletter and the free patterns and helpful tutorials for all of the adorable, bunnies, birds, mice and other critters. I cannot get enough. Thank you so much Helen.
I love the flowers!
I Love Spring! The thought that everything and everyone gets the chance to be “new and improved” makes me happy!
I love so many things- the birdsong, the joy as much loved plants emerge having survived another Winter, spending time in the garden with our puss cats and house bunnies, the expectation of warmer days to come and most of all I love the sense of hope. It’s a magical time of year.
My favorite thing about spring is that the snow melts and all the beautiful flowers appear.
I love all the new life! Thanks and God bless!
Seing the baby bunnies appearing in the field next door, not so keen when they come in my garden and eat my veg – just like your allotment thief who I’d call Arthur!
I love all the new blossoms. After the grey winter they cheer me up.
My favourite thing about spring is the burst of pastel colours, and the world feeling it’s come alive again after the bleak and muted colour palette of winter.
Me encanta la primavera, cuando comienzan a abrirse los pimpollos de rosas y ese perfume que se siente e inunda todo!. En especial tengo unas rosas de color rojo y amarillo (variegadas) que tienen un perfume dulce!… No hay nada mejor que observarlas y disfrutarlas!.
Saludos y gracias por compartir tan hermosos trabajos.
I love spring because it signals the start of a new allotment year, preparing the soil, sowing seeds and making sure my fences/gates are secure so I don’t get any furry visitors pinching my veg!
I love seeing the trees flowering and budding!
I love Spring flood of new life, be it flowers, animals or plants. Gives me the warm and fuzzies.
He is so adorable, my favorite part of spring is the fresh new energy that comes with every day.