I haven’t had a giveaway here on my blog for quite a while so I think it’s time to put that right! But before I tell you what it’s all about, I really must show you a picture… In my last post I mentioned the problems of effective time management when living with two furry friends who feel that my life should be spent giving them everything they want. In Daisy’s case this means playing and lots of walks. She has developed a habit of sitting next to the table as I work and if I ignore her then she begins to stare – very hard indeed!
It’s very hard to concentrate when she’s doing this, which of course is the whole point! “Work not going too well Mum? Let’s go for a walk instead, or perhaps a nice game of tug-o-war will help refresh your brain.” Little monster!

But back to my giveaway….. I’m a bit of a Strictly Come Dancing fan (how dare they eliminate Ben?!?), and my Saturday evenings are filled with tinsel and twirling – on the TV that is – not me! So I thought it would be nice to include a Strictly-inspired pattern in the next issue of the Bustle & Sew e-Magazine. And here are Fred and Ginger, the two little ballroom dancing rats, seen above in profile, and below in all their glory ….

The giveaway is your chance to win a Fred or Ginger kit (your choice) that contains everything you need to make your very own little dancing ratty! They’re quite large – about 12″ from ears to toes with moveable joints – buttons and strong threads and lovely button noses.

To enter all you need to do is leave a comment on this post and, just for fun (not essential), suggest a fun caption for the picture of Fred and Ginger above. The winner will be chosen by random selection. The giveaway will close on Thursday 12 December and winner will be announced the following week. I will post your Fred (or Ginger) kit anywhere in the world – and hopefully it will be with you before Christmas!
Good luck everyone!
“Pull yourself together, Ginger! We’re on in 2 minutes!
These are really cute! I love rat toys, but hate the real thing.
Our rats here in Utah aren’t that skinny! Love your site!
Say hi to Ben and Daisy!
“Oh my dear, I see things didn’t go so well”
Adorable little pair.
Loving the ratties. “Fred relished the opportunity to customise his dancing partner.”
“It’ll be fine!….No need to go to pieces, Ginger!!!!”
Love Fred’s ‘Topper’!
X Linda
After scoring a *10* from Craig, poor Ginger just went to pieces !
Daaaaarling don’t fall apart on me now !
you are making a bit of a song and dance of this, now pull your self together.
The morning after the night before!
Right now I’m making your cute vintage deer!
I would suggest ‘Come on Ginger lets dance’
“Don’t fall to pieces Ginger! We can do it!”
I would love a Ginger pattern!!! So cute!!
‘squeesh over a bit Ginger or i won’t be able to fit!’ Hiding from Mum and jumping out to scare her is such fun…….
Fred enjoying making Ginger Soup.
“What a night!”
Thanks for the chance ! Love the ratties!!
“Not a creature was stirring….not even a mouse.”
Fred was worried about Ginger’s state of mind… “She always falls to pieces at this time of year”.
There can only be one caption, and its an old favorite of mine, BUT, it has to sung in mouse tone and pitch ( that’s pretty hard to do !!!) my caption would be sung rather that said:
We will find it, we will bind it, we will stick it with glue glue glue, we will stickle it , every little bit of it , we will fix it like new new new new !
How lovely, Tamsin! I’ve never heard that before, even here in “New” England in the States; thanks for sharing it with us.
“A good partner is hard to find—so, just make you one”
I love these. They are just precious!
“Edith Head, Ginger is in need, she is having a costume melt down!!”
Fred is so sweet and looks like the real Fred tooo!! I like Fred, and I love to watch him dance!
Daisy give your Mum a break!! Go hang with Big Brother Ben for a bit!! lol too cute!!
Hugs, Jan
” Oh no Helen used dissolving thread and Ginger has fallen apart ”
I know your armless when you’re legless but this really has to sop!
I think these are adorable xx
“Wake up, Ginger! Strictly Come Dancing is about to start!”
After the dance, Ginger went to pieces….
“House Mouse is dressed up for the Christmas Party”
They are so cute.
“House Mouse is waiting for his date for the Christmas Party”
They are soooo cute.
House Mouse’s Date is going in pieces.
They are so cute.
All in pieces but still going strong together!
House Mouse’s date is still in pieces.
Fred is waiting patiently to take Ginger to the Christmas party.
Strictly bustle and sew
I wouth love to win Fred.
“Don’t fold on me now Ginger…just one more dance around the room!”
Daisy looks so adorable by the way.
Brenda from Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
“Cor, my feet hurt. Next time I’ll remember to bring my dancing shoes
What a cute pair!
‘Sew will you join me for a bustle around the dance floor my dear?’
I thought of another one! “Loving you makes me fall to pieces!”.
Ginger, you simply cannot let the Tango cause you to fall apart!
I know the judges said you really need to loosen up, but I don’t think they wanted you going this far!!!! Love the rats
That was one quick step to far for ginger
“I fall to pieces when you are near”!!! Oh how cute they are 🙂
I will put her back together when I’m done eating all the cheese on this page !
I’m still alive but I’m barely breathing Just prayin’ to a God that I don’t believe in ‘Cause I’m falling to pieces, yeah,
Love the rats especially Ginger,
“Pull yourself together we dance in 10 minutes*
Fred knew it was a mistake to get an ikea bride
“The Six Million Dollar Rat – we can rebuild her!” 🙂
Love them! Fred and Ginger sound much better than the R** word, which makes me shudder!
Ginger, get up and get yourself together, we must dance!!!!!!
smjohns63 at yahoo dot com
No Ginger, I`ve had a really good look and there are definitely no boobs in the tin.
We’ll try that move again, and I promise not to drop you next time.
Ginger preparing for her YouTube video debut…singing to Fred her favorite Patsy Cline song…”I Fall To Pieces”
These are just absolutely the CUTEST EVER!!!!
‘Oh you know I am all arms and legs when it comes to dancing Fred!!!’
Very lovely are these two and keeping everything crossed!!
Oh ginger, what has fame done to you?
Our middle son used to do that when he was little, if he wanted attention and I was doing something he would sit and stare hopefully…….. it always worked I stopped and played!
Caption:: Now I told you what would happen if I threw you up in the air……….
“Oh Ginger I love you to pieces!”
Hé Fred!! You said it wouldn’t hurt!
I love the rats!
Regards, Gera
They are so cute! it is lovely to see Daisy growing up and Ben too 🙂 x
I would love to win a kit!
It’s murder on the dance floor
“Step out of the box Ginger it’s time to boogey on down to the sewing room”
These are just so adorable….love them <3
No, Ginger it is a left foot and right hand…..
I love Ginger ! She is so cute with her little necklace 😉
I didn´t mean to have you fallen so much for me
Fred had warned Ginger not to be so energetic in the twirls, but she wouldn’t listen!
Fun giveaway 🙂
C’mon Ginger – you’ve got to get your dancing legs on!
Ginger wasn’t quite feeling herself after that last glass of champagne.
They are adorable! I can’t wait to make them!
Together we’ll stand
Divided we’ll fall
Come on now Ginger
Let’s get on the ball
And work together
I love the look iof these, and long to make one! So much nicer than the real thing.. They steal my chicken food;Brazenly!!
Strictly Rat-a-Two-ie Come Dancing is all the rage my dear! Those humans just don’t stand a chance against us!
Strictly Rat-a-Two-ie Come Dancing is all the rage my dear! These humans don’t stand a chance against us!!!
Come on Ginger, it’s time to go Rat a tat tat!
My lying daughter would love this, she is now wanting to learn how to sew just like her mum.
“Wake up Ginger! You stayed up too late last night stitching and now we will be late for the dance contest.”
Love your blog and newsletters! What a generous give-away also! Thanks for being who you are.
Meant to be ‘young daughter’ lol, auto correct gone mad
Hurry, Hurry, Hurry Ginger, qiuck get your dancing legs on.
“Oh my but we did trip the light fantastic a wee bit too hard Ginger. Let me help you up my dear.”
I loved the real Fred and Ginger and I love their two namesakes. Really cute.
” Oh dear! I think we’ve had too much dancing , Ginger is falling apart !”
These are lovely ! I would love any of them !!!
You promised we would be “together” forever.
Ginger, you really danced your bum off.
love the strictly bustle and sew comment
very very nice Ratties!
Don’t worry Ginger, she’ll be back to finish you too!
Adorable….both the puppy and the mice! :o)
Shall we Dance? lovely vintage memories of those two.
“Oh no “said Fred ” where are the mice from bagpuss when you need them”.X
My daughter would love these, and I am old enough to remember Fred & Ginger black and white films on a Sunday afternoon.
Don’t fall apart on me now!
Would love to make either one. My caption is “Ginger, Darling, Who did this to you!”
For goodness sakes, Ginger; would you please get yourself together so we can go dancing!
Fred must consider a solo as Ginger has danced her legs off
Come on my Ginger snap, let’s go outside and dance under that shining ball of cheese.
I am so excited – I’ll never be lonely again – thank goodness for “Build a Bride”!
Don’t worry Ginger! We’ll have you dancing backwards and in high heels in not time!
That’s “no” time. 🙂
Whew, Fred that last swirl sent me flying apart! What a cute couple they are. Thank you for such an awesome giveaway. I love getting the newsletter and keeping up with all the great inspiration.
I am so glad I have found your Blog. Reading it has brought back great memories of living in England in the 70’s. I love the pictures of your “puppies” , I have an Aussie that has staring down to a fine art, so I can relate. Thank you
Love these adorable mice!
‘ It’s a disaster…dahling .’
Ginger where’s that thread??? If you were mine I’d soon fix you up!!!w
I love mice
I love fred and ginger in their old pictures
I think you made some of the best of BOTH
Caption: I fell in pieces over you.
“Oh Fred! I won’t dance, why should I? I won’t dance, how COULD I???”
I’m in pieces over you.
Oh dear looks like I am falling apart , help ! Thanks for the chance to win , I would be thrilled .
How cute!! I would love to win a kit! “I Fall to Pieces…!”
I warned you Ginger one more wrong step and I’d take you apart.
come ginger you need to pull your self together
“Come on Ginger … we could be sew good together!” These are great they have such characters.
I told you that my nerves would get the better of me.
Poor Ginger was always in bits before a performance.
Come on Ginger, up and at it, we’ve got dancin to do.
Would love to have Ginger. Both are so cute.
“I told you all that twirling would be your undoing!”
After a perfect score of 10, ginger celebrated with champagne ad became leg less… She needs to get now pull it together. Beautiful little mouses!
A special pair, can you see the love in their eyes? Meet Jesse and Jane..
Merry Christmas
“Why is it women always take longer to be ready”
OH HELEN!!!! Thank You! You made my wish come true. She is wonderful!
I think they need to come and live in Australia!
K x
Rats of fun dance
Oh goodness… All the best lines have gone!! Glad it’s not essential and hope the lack of wit doesn’t put me at a disadvantage! X
Eww Ginger! That twirl was a doozey!
What a cute pair. My daughter is getting the fox head for her front porch for Christmas and my son is getting the moose head for his office. Thanks for your creativity.
cool site
Fred sings, “I don’t sew – don’t ask me”!
(Love Gingers outfit.)
Merry Xmas to all.
Take sprinkle of dainty little arms, add a jumble of fairy legs add sparkle and glitter net and the most handsome partner you could ever wish.
You have the most gorgeous Fred and Ginger.
Happy Christmas to everyone who enjoys Bustle and Sew, and a special Christmas ((((hug)))) to Helen
These are so cute!
“Please Ginger……..we could be SEW good together !”
“Stop going to pieces , Ginger !”
Couldn’t resist a few more attempts !
Colette xxx
“the holidays break me”
please enter me…Thank you!!
“Fred and Ginger were clearly thinking outside the box in their effort to win the competition.”
They are both very cute, but the top hat and bowtie make Fred my favourite!
Ginger, my dear ratty, please don’t fall to pieces. It’s Christmas and
we need to dance, dance, dance.
Pull yourself together Ginger, it’s only a tv show!
“Ginger just because we came in second in the dance completion doesn’t mean you should go to pieces”
They are absolutely darling….Fred…’Let’s dance the night away, Ginger’
Before the ballet show everyone said “break a leg” but I just fell to pieces with stage fright.
Ginger my dear, Enough is enough! Get your dancing legs on. “We are going to do it big … Do it right …and do it with style.”
Quote by Fred Astaire
“Not quite what I expected when I sent for my mail-order dance partner.”
There there now Ging! You DID need a stitch in time and not a step on mine!
Adorable dancing duo, came to late to this party, any witty caption I thought of has been already posted. Thanks for the opportunity to win the prize and Merry Christmas!
I know I promised 1st class travel, they were all sold out. This is the only way to get home before Christmas.
No, no Fred, that ear stays there. Now onto attaching my arm.
These are really cute
That last joke Bruce told has undone my stitches
Would love to win Ginger for my little girls room x she would look a dream twirling on her dresser x
Oh Ginger, now is not the time for a nap. lets boggie.
Ginger has gone to pieces over Fred! My little grand daughter would love to have Ginger. She loves to dance and attend her ballet class.
All the King’s horses and all the king’s men……….
So cute! Would love to have these! Thanks for the opportunity!
Mawhahahaha! Finally my opportunity to practice my Frankenstein training!
I love your work, these are too adorable. Thank you for your creativity and sharing it with the rest of us. Donna
Oh Fred , lets go out dancing on New Year’s Eve to celebrate the New Year 2014! I would love to go with you my sweetheart Ginger !
The morning after the night before!!!
Love your patterns!!! Sweet Daisy knows how to tug at your heart strings!!!! Would love to win any of your patterns!!!!
Now now Ginger ; it can’t be that bad ..Or can it ??
How adoreable they are … Thanks for the chance to win them ….
Ayy!!! querida Ginger, no pensé que eras desarmable. Ahora ajustas tus piernitas porque el baile continua.
There are some awesome and comical captions… since I am not very creative in this aspect I won’t even try! Thanks for the chance to win either Fred or Ginger and it will be a tough decision if I do win as both are equally adorable!!
Oh dear Ginger, please wake up and pull yourself together, I need you.
These are delightful!! I just finished making the deer head bust and fox bust for my grand children. I thoroughly enjoyed making them and I know these will be just as much fun.
I “couldn’t have” danced all night.
These are too cute. I would love to make one.
‘Ginger fell to pieces when she didn’t get 10 from Craig Revel Horwood…pull yourself together, love’
Love the pic of Daisy, btw ~ my dog used to do that look too and if i ignored her she’d sigh heavily at me!
Sam Sykes @ facebook
loving ginger
Fred is quite debonair! I really dislike rodents but these are very cute! Nice job, thanks for the chance to win!
Can I have the next dance please Love Fred and Ginger
They’re a whole lot cuter than the real thing. And I’d rather have either
Ginger or Fred in my house than the real ones ( rats that is ) any day.
Merry Christmas Every One
and enjoy Fred or Ginger whoever gets
the great dancing rat
Stop falling to pieces, you done this before pull yourself together
She is down for the count!
“C’mon, that’s enough rest. Pull yourself together so that we can get back to practice.” Both very cute rats but I think that I like Ginger best.
Ginger said, ” oh, my goodness, I knew the snowfall was going to make it slippery. I slipped and fell to pieces…oh, rats!”
I love the animals you design!
I’m all head over heels about dancing.
I love you to pieces!
“Honey I promise, with the price of airline tickets, this IS the best way to get you to your mother’s for Christmas.” They are absolutely adorable.
Dance til you drop!
Love ratty dancers. Great give away. Thanks.
“Pick yourself up, Ginger and we’ll dance to Swing Time now!”
Great little contest and neat entries. Thanks.
“I told her to stay away from the cheese grater!” 😉
So cute! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Can you fix me, Fred!
So cute.
from rags to riches-we got our lives put together and now we’re ready to dance
“That last twirl had her legless”
I, too, have a dog who can stare loudly just like Daisy.
I think David Bowie said it best
“put on your red shoes and dance”
love Fred think he is really swave
“Stop playing footsies with my while the human is taking photos you cheeky rat!”
Gorgeous little creatures btw! Thanks for the chance to win :o)
Thank you very much for such a nice touch. They are a very cute couple your two new creations. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
I used lots of apples your boss, thank you very much. You can see it here,
Why are you not ready Ginger? We are on in 5!
I do so love your quaint creatures. Pookie, my ginger cat would so love a Fred to chat to. Wishing you, Be and Daisy a truly wonderful blessed Christmas.
“Wow! That was an exhausting salsa evening!”
I love putting things together, these would be fantastic
Perfect for christmas sewing.
“I don’t know what happened Fred, my costume malfunctioned!”
Helen I love to read your newsletter.
Ginger, this is no time to fall to pieces! We’re on in five minutes!
Gorgeous softies!
Come on Ginger. Pull yourself together.
I have never seen such stage fright. These are so cute
All I said Ginger was “break a leg “
love mice…rats? But these are cute!
“Ginger, you’ve got to pull yourself together…you can’t fall apart now!”
Every night Fred would pray for a partner worthy of his talents ~ she was that dream come true! These two are the most adorable rats, if I had the chance I would love to win Fred.
Ginger….You are taking the old saying “Break a leg” a little too far!
Ginger is just so gorgeous.
I would love to make her for my grand daughter.
My caption..
” Sew,sew, sew, bustle bustle,sew”!
Love Strictly myself!
RATS! I did that wrong- it should read
Sew, Sew, Bustle bustle sew
I forgot how to Quick Step!
“Hurry, Helen, I can’t wait another second for my Ginger!”
Sweetheart ,Helen will have you finished right on time, I can’t wait….
Remember, Ginger did everything Fred did, but she did it backwards and in high heels!
It looks like Christmas is costing Ginger an arm and a leg this year!
Very sweet rats which would be lovely to make and dress up in Christmassy clothes, too – maybe even have a Fairy Rat at the top of your Christmas tree this year for a change!
Happy Christmas to everyone.
sorry ginge
its not my fault i caught my foot on your ball gown, i told them not to make it so long!
“Don’t go to pieces on me now Ginger!”
I lovelovelove your work 🙂 thank you for sharing your talent, joy and passion with us!
Just such a delightful pair!!
What a delightful pair!!!
“Fred, I just can’t manage the buttons. Will you get them for me?”
Love your patterns!
True love
It´s unfair, Ginger
I´m happy to see “e-Magazine” in the newsletter.
Your work is so interesting and should be to be known by sewers and embroiders new to the site.
The swingathon was just too much for poor Ginger…
“With all the Bustle, I forgot to Sew”. I love the rats as I do everything you do!
“And I go to pieces, whenever you are near.”
I love Fred. So similar to the real one! Though he was definitely not a rat.
lovebirdmom at gmail dot com
No matter what…I’m so in love with you Ginger.
You’ve fretted to pieces,
Yourself in a tin,
Pull it all together,
Time for us to spin!!!!!!
love, Fred
*would love either, your pick!!!!!!!!!
“Now THAT’S a Pasa Doble!”
“Come on Ginger you can’t change your mind now, we have Reservations at the Dance Club”
Pull yourself together pet, the audience will love you. Just like I do!!
I lose my head, and my arms, and legs, whenever you are near dear Fred!
My furry kid does the same thing to me. Whenever I sit and my hands are covered with glue and glitter, my muttly sits and stares. But lately he’s added this pitiful whine. You would think I would learn to get the walk over before I get involved with creating!
“Here’s dancing with you kid”
They’re as gorgeously paired as Bogey & Ms Bergman
Dance with me Fred whispered Ginger into his ear as they entered the ballroom, a hush fell as they started their dancing magic.
Ginger is the one for me,all those lovely dresses.
I would love to win Ginger kit. It´s great. My daughter would love it.
“Oh Ging….come on….every part of you is perfectly formed, you really don’t need to disassemble yourself after every performance!”
Oh my, these 2 are so adorable! I am usually not a fan of (real) rodents but am absolutely in love with Fred and Ginger now 🙂
“Oh Ginger, legless again”!
” Rat ta tat tat! we’re going to dance like we’ve just seen a cat”
These are SO great! Thank you for the chance 🙂
“Now where did those assembly instructions go?”
Oh I really need a new dance partner – Fred! Come to me!
Fred and Ginger are so cute. Thanks for the chance to win one of them.
Fred is saying, “I ordered this dancing partner from Helen, but what I have done with the instruction sheet?”
How cute, caption hmmm ‘i knew you couldn’t take the stress, look you have gone to bits!!!
“Oh! Ginger you look in bits. Come on get yourself together we are performing on Strictly in 10mins”
Wonderful pair, so cute, love them.
Thank you for the giveaway Helen, the rats are absolutely adorable!
So many fantastic captions that I can’t really think of anything new …
I don’t know what a caption is, but I’d LOOOOOVE to win one of the kits :o)
“Please make for me a beautiful wife to share my life.” I would love to have a kit to make these for my young freinds.
Fred and Ginger are adorable!
“Dance with me, I want my tail around you.”
I love both but Fred is my favorite.
I am trying to figure out if Rat is responsible for Ginger being apart or it it is trying to help her recreate,
“Pull yourself together girl, we must dance! ”
I love how Daisy stares at you, my dog (a labrador) loves to nudge me – repeatedly- under the elbow when I am trying to type. She probably thinks it’ll speed things up but it actually slows things down as I need to retype my words before I can play with her
“I go to pieces over you”
I love your designs and this is a darling addition.
”Its alright Ill sew you back together…”
As always your blog brings a smile to my day – thankyou
“Is this kit like MFI where there are always some bits left over?
“Somehow, Fred, I just don’t think this move is going to work.”
Thanks for the opportunity. They’re adorable, as is everything you make.
To all of you: Happy Christmas, Hanukkah or whatever festival you value at this time of year. <3
‘Dear Fred, Shall we dance?
They are just the most delightful pair of dancers, look as though they would be as light as air on their feet!
Your designs are just so simple and so very perfect – it is so lovely that you share them with us all. Happy Christmas to you and yours and to Ginger and Fred.
” Dear Fred, Shall we Dance?
Fred and Ginger are so delightful and look as though they would be as light as air on their feet.
Thank you so very much for sharing them, you make the loveliest toys, Happy Christmas from Beth.
“Shall we dance, dear Fred?”
Fred and Ginger are the most delightful Rats that I have ever seen, and I am sure that they dance beautifully
Hope you and all your family of toys have a wonderful Christmas….Beth
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, especially Ginger Mouse
Delightful kit, looks challenging, thank you so much for the opportunity to win Fred or Ginger!
Really want to have a pet dancing rat! Super characters -please enter me.
so cute are the rats!!! I would love to make one!!!
“Come on Ginger – did you forget that you’re the star on the Christmas tree this year?”
I’d love to win the Ginger kit-set – we have 6 adorable girl ratties left out of our original 9. They are the sweetest companions!
Now which part goes where?
Absolutely love your designs and work!
Oh Ginger! We’ll never get a ten from Len now!
oh talk about getting up on the wrong side of bed!
So many good lines on here it is hard to come up with something not already suggested. They are all very good.
Don’t know how you could ever ignore Daisy for long. Looks like she has the Paddington Bear stare off to a tee.
Thank you for such a wonderful site Helen. I’m in awe that you manage to do sew much a month. (Sorry about the pun … just too good not to put it in!