The rain clouds have all blown away and today was a wonderfully warm, mellow autumnal day. The newfies love this time of year – all their summer lethargy disappears – and they eagerly anticipate their daily outings. Today we visited Snapes Point, always a favourite ….

We don’t actually live very far from Snapes Point as the crow flies, but because the estuary meanders between the hills, disappearing into innumerable little creeks and inlets, it takes us about half an hour to reach the car park. Then Ben’s first through the gate ….

The field where we went blackberrying last month has all been ploughed now, and there are far fewer boats in the creek than we saw just a few weeks ago…..

A very autumnal feeling – lots of little mushrooms scattered across the fields …..

I’m not very good at identifying fungi, so when we got home I consulted my books ….

Rather old – positively vintage in fact – but I’m sure that fungi won’t have changed that much! I didn’t find my little mushrooms though since, as usual, I became distracted by the illustrations, so much work – such detail and lovely colours. I much prefer botanical illustrations to photographs …

Wonderful! But I am good at identifying different hips, haws and berries in the hedgerows and was delighted to discover an abundance of beautiful scarlet rose hips. I gathered nearly 2 lbs, and intend to try making my Auntie Joyce’s rose hip jelly tomorrow ….

But tonight we all have tired legs, feet and paws – so it’s an evening in front of the TV for us. Should we choose Strictly Come Dancing (my preference) or another rerun of The Wonder of Dogs (as preferred by Daisy?!)?
Sorry Daisy – I’m in charge of the remote – so it’s Strictly tonight I’m afraid!!
Lovely walks in South Devon
Julie xxxxxxxx