Today is a lovely sunny day and so I thought I’d check out what’s been happening in my garden over the last week or so. Our house is built into the side of a hill (there are lots of those here in Devon!) and so I can’t actually look out on the garden from indoors. Although we almost live outside during the summer, it’s fair to say that I lose sight of what’s happening outside during the winter months. I was delighted to see that my beautiful pink Camellia was in full bloom, and I picked a few buds to bring inside.

The primroses are lovely as well, but I was surprised to see that a number had disappeared into a large muddy hole. And at the bottom of the hole there appeared to be .. the remants of a large dog chew. It strongly resembled one that Ben received earlier this week to keep him occupied as I wrestled with the intricacies of my wonderful new website. I wondered where it had gone as I hadn’t fallen over it for a couple of days. Then I looked around and saw ….

A rather muddy nose attached to a large furry dog! Let’s take a closer look …

Yes .. I think the evidence is fairly conclusive – I know who’s been digging up the primroses. Bad dog Ben!
Ben have you been naughty again……? Did they find the bobble off of Santas hat? Primroses mean spring is definitely on its way so please don’t bury them in big holes! Tell mummy my Camellia is not out yet – my one is light pink.
Julie xxxxxx
Oh no! Ben!!
That’s a very guilty face!
X Linda
We have a camellia which has never flowered, so we must be doing something wrong. Our Ruby has discovered a love of digging dirty great holes in the lawn, which isn’t making her very popular.
haha, typical dog, you’ve got to love them though. Thankfully our little Jack doesn’t dig but she does bark at the birds which can be very frustrating. Hope your primroses recover 😉
Ben’s been doing gardening ,he knows spring is in the air.He was only trying to help <3
I would like to enter the contest for the teddy bear. I think Tully would suit this adorable bear. Thanks
I love the bunnie and would keep him very safe. i beleive his name is RYE.
Love the blog and site. We have 2 westies 1 of them can dig to Australia .i suggest a great name could be pixtir.
I would like to enter the St. Patrick’s day contest. I would name the adorable bunny, “Mr. McGregor”.
Name for rabbit Coinin ( Cun-een) -irish for rabbit !
cheers Jennifer
Coinin – (Cuneen )Irish for rabbit!
I would like to enter the St. Patrick’s day contest. I would name the adorable bunny , mogue
I would name this DARLING bunny rabbit O’Rourke!
A GREAT Irish name for a sweet Irish rabbit!!