We’ve been enjoying some beautiful sunny weather here lately, though the nights are still chilly (we had a sneaky frost last night) so I haven’t yet brought my tender plants out of the greenhouse. I have geraniums – or I should really say pelargoniums, though geraniums are what my mum called them – in colourful summery shades of pink and red. I’ve brought a few indoors to enjoy for a little while at least – though not too long as it really isn’t bright enough for them on my windowsill …

I’ve also been working on my next project for the June Magazine – an embroidered geranium. I’ve used variegated floss for the flowers which makes them extra fun to stitch as you can’t really be quite sure how they’re going to turn out!
While I had my camera in my hand Miss Daisy came looking for me – she always finds the strip curtain at the conservatory door rather confusing ….

Here she is carefully nudging her way through with her nose, pausing to make sure that the hole she’s made really is big enough to squeeze her rather round furry body through! Silly girl! She is however, definitely the most photogenic of the three Newfies I’ve owned over the years …
It’s hard to believe that the rather regal looking dog in this image is the same naughty Miss Daisy who loves to jump in muddy ponds, roll in all kinds of things she shouldn’t and has also been known to fall over her own big flubbery paws! My latest completed project for the June Magazine also reminds me a little of Daisy ….
Same round body and big paws!!
Hi Helen,
Thanks for the photos of Miss. Daisy – I know I keep saying it, but she is just adorable! I love your little bear and the beautiful embroidery you’ve stitched on him makes him (or her?) quite unique. You are a very talented lady.
Love to you all, hugs to Handsome Ben and Miss.Daisy,
Diana. xx
Aw, thanks so much Diana, that is very kind of you. And that naughty Miss Daisy is a pickle! She is lying next to me snoring loudly after enjoying a very satisfying breakfast. Love and tail wags from us too xx