Wow! We’re having some amazingly wonderful, and almost totally unheard warm hot weather this Easter Bank Holiday weekend! The skies have been blue and the thermometer in my gazebo has risen to the dizzying height of 23C (that’s 73F). Apparently we’re currently enjoying something the forecasters are calling a “Greek Plume” – a mass of Mediterranean air has made its way upwards to this part of the world – though we do need to enjoy it while we can as by next weekend the temperatures will have fallen back to around 12C and it will be raining again! (and people from other parts of the world wonder why we English are obsessed with the weather!).
Anyway, we have most definitely been making the most of this wonderful sunshine – our annual Easter Egg hunt in my garden was a great success….

The Easter Bunny emptied her whole sack of eggs among my flower beds I think – and little gold rabbits were spotted perching among the apple blossom too. Freddie filled his little bucket several times over and everybody ate far too much chocolate!
We’ve been out and about too, and spotted these beautiful tulips on an allotment in Wells. You can see how early in the year it really is as only the earliest signs of growth was showing in the rich chocolate (sorry, bit obsessed with that word at the moment) soil…..

There were some early bluebells to be seen as well, and also glorious sunshine-yellow dandelions. I was reading that these really should not be treated as weeds – they are actually members of the sunflower family and every part of the plant is edible. One cup of dandelion greens is equivalent to 535% of your daily recommended allowance of vitamin K and 112% of vitamin A. A dandelion seed can travel up to five miles before it lands! I’ve always loved their cheerful sunny appearance, the inspiration behind my embroidered dandelion hoop…..

And kits for this design (including printed panel, DMC floss, needle, hoop and full stitching instructions) are currently available in our Etsy shop along with a good selection of our other designs. Just CLICK HERE to find out more.
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