A couple of days ago I had a most exciting time – a very special excursion to somewhere I’ve never been before – to a sporting event that’s quintessentially English…..

Yes, I went to Wimbledon for the very first time in my life! It was such a great day – the event is so well organised (but then, as the park and ride bus driver said to me, “We’ve been doing it for a very long time!”) The grounds were spotlessly clean, with plenty of information boards and (wait for it ladies) – no queues for the loos – which were also spotless. The sun shone brightly and the tennis – of course – was excellent, such skill and athleticism from both the competitors and the ball boys and girls, one of whom was the Engineer’s grandson who was kind enough to give us his free tickets. We spotted him on Court 8….

Where a mens doubles match was taking place – that’s him in the bottom photo at the back. We couldn’t wave of course but took lots of photos instead. Then yesterday, taking a break from packing ready for moving (I have packed 15 boxes which means there’s only around 3 million to go!), we headed off down to North Devon to spend a night by the sea. And, to the Engineer’s delight, we discovered a new steam railway (he LOVES steam railways)….

This was a narrow gauge railway with the cutest little trains, and the most scenic views that used to run between Lynton and Barnstaple. Unlike many railways, this one didn’t fall victim to Beeching, but instead closed in 1933 as it was unable to compete with the increasing accessibility of road transport. The views were amazing and the staff so friendly and kind.

Poor Miss Daisy has hurt her shoulder (she slipped and has strained a muscle) and so they fetched the disabled access ramp so the poor suffering newfie (she did have painkillers from the emergency vet but even so wasn’t completely comfortable) was able to stroll gently onto the train without any effort and strain on her shoulder at all. She’s still not recovered, but the vet has said that with plenty of rest she should recover within the next week or so. Fingers crossed for the furry one!
Always read your blog and loved this one. Interesting to know there is another restored railway and in such a scenic area. My Son has just moved to Somerset and is living it. Hope Miss Daisy has recovered, such an interesting life she leads.
Thank you Jean, yes she’s much better now. xx