I am always very careful when I’m out and about with the Newfies, but sometimes events catch you unawares. Our regular “everyday” walk takes us up a grassy path into the Oakhill village playing field where dogs can run around happily – and safely – to their hearts’ content. But to reach the grassy path we have to walk a little way along a busy main road before turning in through a gate. Normally this is fine and we arrive at the field safely, but not this time.

We walked down the road and in through the gate, then as usual I let the dogs off their leads – they were particularly pleased as they had spotted some furry friends. But, for some reason known only to herself, rather than charge up the grassy path into the field with her friends as usual, Daisy decided to turn around and, ignoring my frantic cries, head the other way, through a second, broken gate a bit further along the hedge and out onto the busy main road. Where … I can hardly bear to type … she was hit by a passing car. There was a bump and a bang and – my heart was in my mouth – after a few moments she reappeared with her tail tucked between her legs and looking dreadfully shocked. I checked her thoroughly and nothing seemed to be broken but nonetheless we headed for home (Ben was quite disgusted about this, and if I could speak dog I am sure I would have heard him muttering “stupid puppy”) where I called the emergency vet.
He arrived very quickly and gave Miss Daisy a thorough examination. And I am so pleased and relieved to be able to report that although her knee is swollen and her whole leg is tender and sore, she has no internal injuries and will, with rest, make a full recovery. She won’t be going off her lead until we actually reach the field in future though, that goes without saying. I have no idea what came over her and why she suddenly took it into her head to run in the opposite direction to that which we always take – but as usual, there’s always one, and it’s always Daisy.
PS I assume that thankfully the car and its occupants must have been OK as the driver didn’t stop.
I can’t imagine how frightening that must have been, I’m so glad Daisy is okay (and Ben too, of course).
Thanks Jen, yes I have had dogs all my life and NEVER had anything like this happen before. Just pleased nobody was seriously hurt.
Ohmygosh, Helen, what a scare indeed! I’m so glad it wasn’t worse and that everyone will be ok.
A cute, true story – my neighbor man’s pup got herself into a situation recently where her nail got torn off, blood everywhere. So while at the vet’s, neighbor asked if the dr had any Valium and dr said no, we don’t give dogs Valium, to which neighbor replied, “No, for me!!!” LOL
And by the way you have vets who make house calls?! How awesome is that! Unheard of where I live. ????
Take care of YOU! ????
And shame on the driver for not stopping. That’s terrible! Karma will get him/her.
I know, they should’ve stopped by law here. But I am just thankful that they obviously weren’t hurt as that would have been even more terrible.
Haha! I know how she felt, I was so shaky when I got home. The vet was lovely. He came out as there wasn’t any way I could get Daisy into the car by myself, she weighs around 120 lbs!
Oh Daisy!!! So glad that she is going to mend completely! What a scare!!! Extra hugs and kisses for you all!
Thanks Linda so much. Definitely one of Daisy’s worst scrapes! I simply don’t know what came over here.
OMG, yours was not the only heart that stopped. I took an enormous gulp!!
You must have All got a very big fright – silly silly Daisy.
So pleased that she isn’t seriously hurt.
Are you breathing normally again?
I am now thanks Pam. She’s putting her paw to the ground again today so is clearly on the mend. Such a relief, she was so lucky that clearly the car struck her a glancing blow, everything could’ve been so much worse, for the vehicle occupants as well as Miss Daisy.
O! What a frightful, helpless scare for you Helen! So thankful the big, little pup is mending and you are breathing in relief. I have a Scottie named, Kilti, who would have done the same!!! Ornery dogs…think I will go give her a biscuit and a hug.
Hugs from us too xx
So glad this wasn’t a tragedy for all involved! Naughty Daisy! I’m glad she is now on the mend.
She was so silly I know, she simply doesn’t think about what she’s doing! xx
Poor Daisy. and poor you, too! I could hardly keep reading, so I was so glad to read that she is ok. Hugs to all of you!
Aw, thanks Glenna xx
Oh Helen, my heart was in my mouth as I read that. I am so pleased Daisy is ok and not too badly hurt. As you know this was always my fear with Sophie as she runs in panic. I wonder what attracted Daisy to the other direction, you will never know but maybe she has learned a lesson from it.
Hugs to you all. xx
Lovely to hear from you Joy, hope you’re all settling into your new home. We miss you on our morning walks, please give Sophie hugs from us xx
With his care soon enough she had been good.
Hello Helen,
I could hardly bear to read all your blog for fear of what it might say! So, so relieved that Daisy is going to be OK. You never know when they’re going to do something completely out of character which almost gives you heart failure, do you? Phew!
Lots of love to you all,
Diana. xx
Thanks Diana – sadly getting into mischief is very much Daisy’s character. She is definitely a little nervous of traffic now though, which I think is probably a very good thing!