Here at Bustle & Sew the Easter holiday weekend has been a “three-cake special” . I have had such a lovely time baking and decorating my cakes – coffee and walnut for friends on Friday and Victoria Sponge for another gathering on Saturday, culminating in perhaps the most chocolate-y cake I’ve ever made – my Easter bunny special! I don’t have a picture of the coffee and walnut cake (it was eaten too quickly haha!), but here are the other two ….

Every single bunny on my Easter cake is filled with homemade chocolate ganache and the cake itself is a rich chocolate sponge, with more chunks of real chocolate inside as well – enough for even my chocolate-loving daughter! On the day itself we dodged the showers to hold our annual family Easter Egg Hunt in my garden. This year for the first time Freddie was able to join in properly – and guess who collected the most eggs?! (with a little help from his mum and dad of course)….

I made sure there were plenty at his level – as well as a few high up for his mum and dad to find for themselves! Daisy and Tilly were kept well away – I have never forgotten the year that I went up the garden hiding eggs in bushes and beneath leaves, only to turn around at the top to see lots of scattered foil pieces and a very smug and satisfied-looking Ben munching his way through his latest discovery (luckily he didn’t come to any harm, probably as he was so large the amount of chocolate he consumed was small in comparison to his body size!)
And all over the holiday weekend we’ve been celebrating the season over in the Bustle & Sew store, with our special Easter Eggstravaganza ….

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