This summer is turning out to be one of the most variable (in weather terms, that is) that I can remember. Yesterday I was on Grandma Daycare duties and I took Freddie into Wells to post the latest kit orders. It was such a hot afternoon that we treated ourselves to ice cream (one tub and two spoons!) which we enjoyed sitting in the shade on the Cathedral Green. Then, on the way back down the High Street, I spotted a shop selling paddling pools, and so I did what any Grandma would do – took him inside to choose one! We examined all the boxes very carefully and eventually decided upon quite a small one (he is still a very small boy) with rigid sides, so no need for inflating. Freddie was thrilled and refused to let go of it all the way home, hugging the box tightly to his chest in his car seat.
On arriving home we wasted no time in filling it with water – the sound of the hosepipe splashing accompanied by excited squeals transported me far back in time to when I was a young mum and Rosie was very small. But, once all was ready and Freddie was about to step in there seemed to be a most unfortunate problem. There was very little room in the water for an eager young human because ……

A certain rather hot Newfie got there first! Yes, that is indeed the naughty Miss Daisy not only taking up a lot of space – but drinking the water too!! Luckily Grandma was at hand to speedily remove the cheeky girl and help Freddie to step into his pool. But that was yesterday. Today it has rained and rained, and I have been sitting in the conservatory (which is normally far too warm in the afternoon at this time of year) working on the 2018 Bustle & Sew calendar panel …..

Which is coming along nicely. (I only just noticed – can you spot a bit of Miss Daisy in this photo too?!) It should be finished by the end of the month and then I plan to offer it as a kit as there are so many different floss colours and you only need a little of each. The panel is printed in full colour (just as you see in my photo) on a nice quality cotton fabric from Spoonflower. Doing it this way means you can choose to embroider as much or as little of the design as you choose – maybe picking out just a few flowers and leaving the background ones without embroidery.
I’ve also begun working on some new Christmas designs. The August Magazine is published tomorrow …

Which really is the last issue of summer – where has the time gone? But we’re saying farewell to the season with bright tropical colours – cactuses (or should that be cacti?) parrots and even an alpaca! I’m thinking I might offer the Applique Alpaca as a kit too – it would be a perfect gift idea and I’m conscious that lately I’ve been concentrating mainly on softie kits.

And thinking of Christmas and gifts (sorry!), don’t forget that it’s Christmas in July week here at Bustle & Sew and we’re currently offering a 50% discount on all our current Christmas patterns and collections….

That’s just until the end of the month – perfect for all well-organised stitchers who like to get ahead with their seasonal sewing (sadly that’s not me!). Just CLICK HERE to visit the store and don’t forget to enter code XMAS50 at checkout for your discount.
Oh I missed this post. Oh dear, poor little Freddie and his paddling pool, a story to remember when he is bigger. Oh yes we’ve all done the one tub of ice cream and two spoons!
Julie xxxxxxx