Now that I’m beginning to be a bit more settled into my new home, the summer is over, schools have gone back and everywhere’s less busy it’s fun to explore a little further. So earlier this week I made a trip into Wells, my nearest – I was about to say town, but actually Wells is Britain’s smallest city – to take a look around the Bishop’s Palace. This is an 800-year old building situated directly adjacent to the Cathedral, and on the day I made my visit there was a croquet match underway on the Bishop’s lawn ….
Adding to the quintessentially English atmosphere. This is a beautiful building, though the public are only allowed into a small part of the interior – including this beautiful hall area with original flagstones and vaulting dating back to the 1300s …

Although access to the interior is limited, visitors are allowed to wander freely around the beautiful gardens. The whole building and grounds are surrounded by a moat inhabited by swans who have been trained to ring a bell at one of the windows when they’re hungry and want to be fed. Sadly the swans didn’t appear to be in residence that afternoon, but still the moat is lovely ….

With views across the water to the Cathedral itself. A group of artists were busy at work on the banks – I think you can see them fairly clearly in this picture. Here’s a look back in the other direction – just as pretty …

And perhaps that little white dot on the water might have been a swan? I’m not quite sure though as there were plenty of ducks in evidence. Lots of other creatures too ….
This cheeky little chap was totally unafraid – I think he probably receives plenty of treats from visitors! And I fell in love with these life size wicker deer, I wish I had room for them in my garden!
The Palace gardens are beautifully maintained, and even so late in the season there was plenty of colour, things to look at …

and admire ….. (you can tell there are no naughty Newfies trampling all over the Bishop’s flower beds!)
And my visit ended in a most satisfactory way with a stop at the teashop where I was able to purchase some flowers from the gardens and enjoy the end of the croquet match ….
The perfect end to a lovely afternoon1 If you’d like to learn more about the Bishop’s Palace, then you can find out lots more over on their website.
Its lovely there. We went at the beginning of the year. Found a lovely fabric/patchwork shop there too
Julie xxxxxxx
Thank you so much for the tour through the grounds of Bishop’s Palace. It’s so very beautiful and lush…the architecture stunning! Simply beautiful!
X Linda
Hmm, I thought St David’s in Wales was the smallest City in Britain. However the Bishop’s Garden at Wells looks beautiful – better than I remember the garden’s at St David’s 🙂
Oops! You are quite right Michelle, Wells is only the smallest city in ENGLAND! Sorry St David’s