In my last post I promised to share a little more about our time away in Corfu and now that I’m all caught up with Bustle & Sew work, and my last load of holiday washing is drying on the line, I thought I’d sit down and relive that week in the (mostly!) sunshine.

The week before we arrived Corfu had experienced torrential rainfall with (I was informed by more than one person) a whole year’s rain falling in just a few days. The road to Agios Giordis where we were staying was partially blocked by mudslips and landslides which workmen were busy clearing. But we were very lucky with the weather – there were a couple of partly rainy days at the beginning of our week, but after that the sun came out and it was warm – 23C – if not hot.
Although I didn’t venture far into the water myself, I was informed by the grandchildren that it was really quite warm (I’m not at all sure that I believe them!) as they spent hours splashing in the pool and playing on the beach. It was certainly hot in the sunshine and I spent some happy afternoons toasting my toes on the beach catching up with some reading. We spent a day in Corfu town too, which was voted a great success by everyone (possibly because ice cream was involved!) – and all the grandchildren managed to make some small purchases to remind them of their holiday.
We returned home to England, with another exciting event ahead – a concert at Wells Cathedral as part of their Festival of the Moon week.

The giant moon hanging in the cathedral nave was (I think I remember this correctly) 7 metres across and certainly dominated the space. It’s so lovely to be able to hear live music again after such a long interval due to the pandemic, and hopefully this will continue throughout the months ahead.
I think too, having been inspired by this installation, that I shall have to include the moon in another pattern in the near future. Meanwhile I’ll leave you with my Lunar Moth Hoop
a pattern from Issue 117 of the Bustle & Sew Magazine.
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