This weekend, after a very busy few weeks, the Engineer and I decided to down tools and head off for a couple of days. We hit upon Watchet, on the north Somerset coast, as the perfect destination – far enough away to feel like a “proper” break, but close enough that we could hurry home in case of emergency. Watchet is a sleepy little seaside town, with a beautiful harbour and plenty of character..
The weather was fine, the chips were crispy and there was a lovely seafront bar where we sat to watch the sun go down – all in all the perfect short break.
And on the way home we decided to do a little bit of “National Trusting,” visiting Coleridge Cottage the former Georgian home of Romantic poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. I always think the National Trust presentation is second to none, though I don’t think the cottage would have been such a cosy and pleasant place to live back in the late eighteenth century!
Back home again, my thoughts turned to my pear pin cushion. I’d like to thank everyone who took the trouble to answer my online poll…
More than 90% of you were in favour of my offering this as a kit. So I’ve decided to take the plunge and am currently pondering fabric samples and ordering floss. Hopefully, all being well, the kit will be available from early September over in my Etsy Store. The kit will contain the printed fabric, floss and green linen for the leaf so all you’d need would be some stuffing and a twig to make the stalk.
And finally – autumn is fast approaching, and I’ve been busy working on some suitable seasonal projects for the September Magazine…
More about these next time!
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