We’ve had a stormy few days up here in the Mendips – driving home after a lovely afternoon with family we experienced not only thunder and lightning, but driving snow too – though it didn’t settle I am very pleased to say. Today, when I took Daisy on her usual walk up to the village playing field, the sky was a beautiful washed blue, dotted with small fluffy white clouds….

Though we were very sorry to see that one of our favourite trees had been a casualty of the storm, being completely torn out of the ground by its roots. Lots of trees had lost their branches, and there were lots of pussy willow twigs lying on the grass too, so I collected them up to bring home and display….

Alongside a project from the current issue of the Bustle & Sew Magazine which seems particularly appropriate for this time as year since, in spite of all the stormy weather, spring is gathering pace – there are daffodils and primroses everywhere, and the first faint haze of green dusted along the hawthorns in the hedgerows. The days are lengthening rapidly now, and I’m hoping it won’t be too much longer before it’s fine enough to sit outside once again – I LOVE this time of year!
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