As I grow older I find I become more accepting of the approach of winter. I don’t mind the dark evenings so much these days, it seems natural to draw the curtains, shutting out the damp and cold. I love to settle down on the sofa with my stitching, enjoying the heavy weight of Alfie’s head on my lap (it’s surprising how heavy he becomes when sleeping) and the sound of Ted’s gentle snuffling breaths as he dozes on the cool tiles in front of the door.
Christmas of course is only six weeks away now, and here at Bustle & Sew HQ preparations have already begun. The first project for the December Magazine is complete and you can see it above, along with projects from earlier issues on the shelf above my desk. (I especially love the little felt hen head and can’t bear to put it away in my drawer!). I’m also proudly displaying my Wheel of the Year hoop and would like to thank everyone who’s placed a pre-order for the pattern and printed panel over on my Etsy shop…

There are still a few available for pre-order and I’m busy at the moment serging (overlocking) all the edges of the printed panels that were delivered this week so that you don’t have to finish the edges yourself (never anyone’s favourite task I feel).
And finally, this is the season for warming soups and casseroles. I still have plenty of parsnips left in my kitchen garden that I’m gradually working my way through (being sure to save some to roast for Christmas lunch of course!) This simple recipe is always popular with my family and so I thought you might enjoy it too…

Parsnip Soup
Skin and finely chop one large onion, then fry in 25g butter until transparent. Peel and chop 500g of parsnips, removing any woody cores, then stir into the pan. Add the stock and season to taste. Cover the pan and simmer for 20 – 25 minutes or until the parsnips are soft. Sieve or blend to a puree. Add 300ml milk (or cream if you’re feeling very luxurious) and gently reheat. Serve hot. Add milk or cream and gently reheat.
Especially delicious if consumed when you’re feeling chilly after a session in the garden or a long muddy dog walk!
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