I don’t know if it’s true for you, but I find that as the evenings are drawing in (the clocks went back on Sunday of course so it’s dark soon after 5 pm), I develop a bit of a nesting instinct. There’s not much left to do outside, the greenhouse is all closed down for the winter, the lawn doesn’t need mowing any more and though the borders still need a bit of tidying up, they’re still looking quite pretty – and anyway too much tidying up is bad for wildlife!!
There are plenty of leaves to be swept from my lawn and garden path, but I am of the opinion that this chore may as well wait until they’re pretty much all fallen from the trees, when I can gather them up into black bin liners to make lovely leaf mould for next year’s garden. So I am free to turn my attention to indoors, and have been dusting off my paintbrushes ready to finish off some decorating that’s been waiting all summer long while I’ve been busy elsewhere.

Lean on your decorating? Who, us? We are GOOD DOGS haha!!
The Newfies are of course happy to help! They are both really enthusiastic at sniffing out fresh paint, then leaning on it – after all freshly painted walls look so much nicer when a generous layer of dog hair has been applied. And plain black furry coats are so boring – much more attractive with coloured stripes!
I’ve also been sorting and tidying our Newsletter Readers’ pattern library. If you’re a newsletter reader, then you will find the selection above ready to download from your exclusive pattern page. If you’re not a Newsletter reader, and you’d like these patterns, then please just CLICK HERE to join – it’s absolutely free and I NEVER share your details with anyone else.
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