Goodness, how this week has flown past. I have been super-busy with a lot of catching up to do after being so unwell the week before.

The Newfies (seen above on a walk with their friends who came to take them out while I was poorly) are glad that everything is back to normal again, and to make things even nicer as far as they are concerned, we have had the added bonus of some very cold weather and even a little SNOW!! Definite red letter day for my furry friends! I’ve been keeping nice and warm and snug indoors though, busy with projects for next month’s magazine ….

I’m particularly pleased with my work in progress pouch – the perfect size and shape for an embroidery hoop. I like to keep all my flosses, spare needles, scissors etc in one of my collection of small vintage tins but until now have resorted to storing my wip in a plastic bag when I’m on the move. But no longer as I now have the perfectly shaped pouch to slide in my 8″ or 7″ hoop. It’s closed with a zipper and I’ve been busy taking photos and writing up instructions to insert a zipper into a curved seam.
As well as all this busy-ness for the magazine, Rosie has been busy assembling kits and we now have a new supply in store…
The ever-popular lovebirds are back for a limited period this spring, and we also have new supplies of mice and French hen kits together with a few remaining peapods. Just click here if you’d like to learn more.
Happy to hear you’re feeling better, Helen, and on the mend. Nice you have friends to help out with the pups.
Couple times recovering from surgeries, I had someone else walk my pup. What a blessing! He was confused and kept looking back for me for a minute or two but he absolutely cannot go a day without at least one walk so what a gift that was.
Thank you again for all you do. Rest up and Be well.
Thanks so much Valerie, much better now xx