The first part of last week brought wonderfully bright sunny weather. We were busy in the garden and working on the shepherd’s huts, Rhubarb and Custard. Ted has been super-keen to see what’s happening inside Custard, being a most inquisitive kind of dog, whilst Rufus and Alfie have worn themselves out chasing each other around the grass, in and out of (and in Alfie’s case occasionally over) the raised beds in the Kitchen Garden. Ted has also been monitoring the progress of the Hen Pen….

Which is beginning to take shape. Here in England we have “flockdown” against the spread of bird flu so the Hen Pen (chicken run) will have a covered roof as well as mesh sides to prevent the chickens mixing with our wild birds. You may be able to see the wire coming out of the ground between the uprights – the Engineer dug a trench around the perimeter of the pen and filled it with concrete into which he pushed the wire as an anti-fox measure to prevent them digging beneath. The coop will of course sit within the run but I haven’t yet chosen what I think will be the best spot. My chickens arrive towards the end of next month and I can hardly wait!
Both hens and one of my favourite garden birds feature in the projects for the March Magazine that’s published next week, along with bunnies, daffodils and two adorable deer for Mother’s Day…

Indeed the whole magazine has a real feel of spring – the days after all are growing longer, and even if the rain has returned at least for now, it’s still sunny between this edition’s covers!
If you’re a subscriber then the March Magazine (pictured above) will be arriving in your inbox on Thursday. If you’re not a subscriber and would like to learn more then please just CLICK HERE to visit our magazine page to learn more.
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