It’s been a fairly quiet week so far here at Bustle & Sew HQ – the only expedition I’ve made has been to IKEA in Bristol to purchase some storage units – especially for our kit ingredients (this is very exciting for Rosie and me, but probably not for anyone else!). So I thought today might be a good time to share some lovely Instagram eye candy with you.

Bustle and Sew has its own account on Instagram – you can find us here – and each month Rosie carefully collates an “Instagram Inspiration” page for the Bustle & Sew Magazine. I cannot be trusted to do this as I become enraptured by all the lovely images and enter a kind of trance from which I only emerge an hour or so later when either (1) my cup of tea has gone cold or (2) Daisy is pestering me as it’s past her teatime! Here are some of my personal favourites from Rosie’s features over the past few months …..

(1) @Fuzzyand Flora
(2) @MooseandBird
(3) @OliveandFox
(4) @Rebekahsattic (excitingly Rebekah will be featuring as one of our Makers in the March Magazine)

(6) @EllaandtheRoo
(7) @OhHelloBeau
I hope you like our choices – and if you’d like to share any lovely accounts you follow – or perhaps you’d like to let us know about your own Instagram account, then please do leave a comment below – we’d love to see them!
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