We had visitors yesterday – my friend Carolyn from Dubai and her children popped in for lunch. It was so lovely to see them, and to meet their new arrival – little Sienna is just 12 weeks old and is totally adorable with her big round eyes and funny little quiff of hair on the top of her head! Her big sister Lottie is growing up fast as well – she’s nearly two years old and is already an animal lover – I think she and Ben fell quite in love with one another, staring intently into each other’s eyes, whilst big brother Ky was busy throwing Tilly’s ball again .. and again … and again! Lottie and Sienna took away my two little baby elephants ….

Penelope and Peanut – though I think it will be a while before Sienna is able to play with hers! And if you’re a softie-lover, then you might like to check out our Simply Softies Pinterest board, I know Rosie’s been adding some more lovely finds just lately. Meanwhile I’ve been working hard on new patterns for the September Magazine. Three are all finished and written up …..

While I’m still working on the others, including a Kindle (or other device) cover. As September brings back to school and college I thought this might be a useful sort of project as well as a good Christmas present idea. I’m giving my cover a purse clasp, which I think makes it a little bit different – there are lots of lovely patterns for covers around, but I haven’t come across any that close in this way, and since I discovered how easy these clasps are to use I’ve been looking for an excuse to incorporate them into another project. I still haven’t quite made up my mind between silver and bronze …

… although I asked for help on our social media pages, opinion seems to be roughly divided equally between the two choices. I must admit I am leaning more towards the bronze at the moment though and I think it’s nearly time to make my mind up! Decisions, decisions ……..!!
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