Phew! What a busy weekend it’s been here at Bustle & Sew HQ – both indoors and out! On Saturday Debbie and I headed off to the Vintage Bazaar being held in Frome. As usual the stalls were wonderful to browse, and the sellers so friendly and knowledgable. There was a still life around every corner …

Look at this lovely box of French cottons … I’m so loving that cat!

And so much vintage fabric (yes I was tempted!)…

Passementerie in lovely rich colours ….
Garden paraphernalia….
And a cute little vintage bunny too!
Debbie took on her role of roving reporter for the Bustle & Sew Magazine and was soon busy chatting to the stallholders with a view to telling readers more about them in future issues, whilst I regret to report that I was totally seduced by the vintage fabrics and was no help whatsoever! We both enjoyed a lovely cup of tea afterwards and wondered why the event didn’t seem to be as busy as those I’ve attended previously. Is vintage less popular now I wonder? Or was everyone staying inside sheltering from the icy wind and heavy showers?
I’ve also been busy sewing – for the magazine of course – and also for my baby grandson. He is a very stylish – and also very dribbly(!) baby – who has been known to need 3 or 4 changes of bib during the course of a single day. Rosie loves him to wear bandanna type bibs in modern prints, but these can be expensive to purchase, so it was time for grandma to come to the rescue and make him some more from quilting weight cotton and lightweight towelling fabric. They were so easy ….
First I drew around an old bib onto the cotton with my fabric pen, allowing an additional 1/4″ seam allowance ….
Then I cut out that shape and pinned it to a roughly cut piece of towelling with right sides together. Taking great care not to go over the pins(!) I serged all around the edge(leaving a 3″ gap for turning) – securely joining the pieces together and removing the excess fabric at the same time – result!
I turned the bib the right way round through the gap, then turned in the edges and slipstitched it closed …
And finally added poppers for fastening. Almost before I knew it I’d made four very stylish bibs ….
Which were very gratefully received! I didn’t use jersey fabric for the fronts as I’m still not very confident working with it – and I think the quilting cotton will be quite absorbent after it’s been washed a couple of times. In fact, my bibs have been so successful Rosie’s already ordered some more fabric and asked for another SIX!! That’ll keep me out of mischief! And thinking of mischief I’ll leave you with a picture of Tilly …..
Watching the clock very carefully – four o’clock is tea time – and it’s LATE!! Goodness help me if she has to wait too long – a hungry goldendoodle is a naughty goldendoodle!!
Wonderful Bib’s Helen!! Now Tilly a clock watcher and if late a naughty one too!! They are fun.
Thanks Jan – they are total pests sometimes – they’re lucky I love them. xx
Those bibs look great Helen, your grandson is a lucky wee boy.
Tilly is priceless. Where were Daisy and Ben? Funny how they know when it’s teatime, walk time, bedtime etc. Our 3 Boys are very much creatures of habit and low and behold if things get done out of routine.
Thanks Pam. Ben and Daisy were waiting next to the cupboard where their food is kept of course hahaha!! I have no idea how dogs know what the time is but yes, you’re right – they always know when it’s time for walkies, food, bedtime etc etc xx
I know the lady that runs the Frome vintage fair, Liz – the Washerwoman (name of her blog).
I personally think vintage fairs are becoming less popular but that perhaps is just my opinion because I have been to local ones on sunny days and not so many people seem to be going.
Your dribble bibs look very smart.
Julie xxxxxxxx
Thanks Julie – it’s a shame about the fairs as they are so lovely but I guess fashions change. xx