I was surprised, looking back over this blog, to realise that I haven’t written since last year. I think that’s probably because during the previous restrictions, and now the current lockdown, life has become very same-y with not a lot to record. There was Christmas of course, and though, like so many others, we weren’t able to enjoy the celebrations we had originally planned, we did have a lovely family day….
Christmas seems a long time ago now though, and we’ve been very busy moving Bustle & Sew HQ into its new home. Ever since I left my little cottage on the edge of the village high up in the Mendips, I’ve had various temporary offices and work stations. But now, here at the end of the garden in Station House, a little blue shed has appeared….

It’s small, but perfectly formed with heating and lighting, space for my sewing machines, boxes of flosses, ingredients for kits and much more besides, and in the summer all the pots will be filled with plants – lavender, geraniums, and all kinds of herbs for the kitchen. And I’ve had such fun unpacking old friends that I haven’t seen for nearly 18 months…..

Thanks so much to my lovely husband for building Bustle & Sew’s new home! And as well as old friends rediscovered, there are new ones to discover in this month’s edition of the Bustle & Sew Magazine….

If you’re a subscriber watch out for it arriving in your inbox on Thursday. And if you’re not a subscriber, and would like to learn more, then please just CLICK HERE to visit our magazine page.
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