First of all, thank you so much to everyone who offered their opinion on my little deer head. You were overwhelmingly in favour of the red dotty option so that’s the one I’ve decided to go with

The pattern will be in the October Bustle & Sew Magazine which will be published on the 29th.
We’ve said a sad farewell to Debbie this month now Rosie is back at work, so rather than “In the Kitchen with Debbie”, we’ve returned to our earlier “Rosie’s Recipes” for the October Issue. Rosie has been rummaging around in all our family recipe books – you know the kind I’m sure – a bit dog-eared and splashed with some of the pages stuck together(!) – and come up with some lovely ideas for high teas and suppers, as well as some of my grandma’s chutney recipes. We didn’t have room to include them all so, as the magazine will be published very close to Michaelmas Day (the last day that blackberries should be picked according to English folklore) I thought I’d share our recipe for blackberry & apple chutney with you today. It inclues mint too which gives it a lovely twist…
Please just CLICK HERE if you’d like the recipe.
OMG Ms Deer is beyond cuteness! And thank you for the recipe! You girls are the best! ????????????