Thanks so much to everybody who sugested posibilities regarding my mysterious yellow plants …

And, as most seemed to agree they were probably some sort of lily I did a bit of googling and came up with the answer. They are indeed Yellow Daylilies, otherwise known as Hemerocallis flava I now feel very well informed, thanks so much for your help. Rather than working outdoors I’ve been busy in the greenhouse this week as the weather, though remaining dry, has turned rather chilly. The succulents that over-wintered in the shelter of the greenhouse are now outside once again, and seem to be enjoying the fresh air …
Whilst their place has been taken by the tomato plants Freddie and I chose at Wells Market last week. An aubergine plant has snuck its way in as well – I haven’t tried aubergines before, but feeling confident after my success last year I’ve decided to give them a go!
I’ve been stitching plants too – another design for the May Magazine with its botanical theme …
This time a herb and spice chart. I wanted to call it “Spice up your Kitchen!” but feel there might have been copyright issues!! So it’s just called Herbs and Spices Chart. I’ve appliqued felt shapes for the Chilli Pepper and Red Onion whilst the other herbs are embroidered. I’m thinking of offering this design as a new printed panel as there is quite a lot to transfer. Miss Poppy Mouseling was happy to assist with the photography as she’d already been modelling alongside seam rippers of all things ….
To illustrate the latest in the series of (very) little guides to sewing essentials that we’re currently running in the magazine. Oh, and thinking about the magazine, before I go – I finished the little Wildflower Needlebook which will also be in the May issue …..
Hope you like it!
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