If you are a regular blog reader (thanks so much!) then you will probably have noticed that we haven’t been posting quite so often for the last few weeks. You may have noticed that all the latest posts are from me and not from Rosie. This is because Rosie has in fact been on maternity leave since early May awaiting the arrival of a new baby brother or sister for Freddie. Last weekend she arrived…

With a mop of black hair that surprised us all! Here I am cuddling my new baby granddaughter who was less than a day old in this picture. Her name is Florence Ivy Rose and she’s an absolute sweetheart – we’re all totally in love with her.
Over the next few weeks it may take me just a little longer to reply to emails and queries, but I am still here – that is when I’m not over at Rosie and Dan’s house enjoying new baby cuddles!
Congratulations to you all. Wow that hair is impressive.
Looking forward to hearing all about her growing up as we do with Freddie.
Grandkids are the best 🙂
Welcome into the world, Florence Ivy Rose! Congratulations to everyone!!!
X Linda B.
Awwww, that is a wonderful blessing! Congratulations to all of you! I can tell she is just beautiful! 🙂
Aww, congratulations! We have a new grandson (Everett) born just a few days later on June 27th. I’ve made him three of your items for his nursery. And of course his big brother Kenton had to have something as well.
How lovely Helen congratulations to Rosie! Enjoy your new home. Lindsay (Creative Chic) xx
Aw, thanks Lindsay xx