I just wanted to post quickly to say thank you so much to everyone for all your kind wishes about Ben. I had no idea that his adventures had been enjoyed by so many people, and I am so very touched by all your messages. Thank you.
Though it is very quiet here today, Daisy was excited by this afternoon’s snowfall, dashing out into the garden to jump and twirl, barking madly and trying to catch the snowflakes with her long pink tongue. I could imagine Ben watching her, with the thought “for goodness sake, you silly pup!” written clearly upon his black furry face.

Here she is, looking very sulky at being made to come indoors again, but the snow has cheered her up a little, for the moment at least. But back to Ben….
He had been fading gently for several months – growing frailer and more wobbly – but in no pain at all and he still had a great zest for life right up until last Sunday. The vet wasn’t able to offer much help, or hope, and when on Wednesday morning I saw he was having difficulty chewing and swallowing, I knew his time had come. He was 10 years and 8 months old, a very good age for a giant breed, and was only unwell for a few days. A lovely life and peaceful end for a cheerful sort of canine whose main ambition in life was to be a VERY GOOD DOG. Except when he spotted a cat! His second ambition in life was to catch one of these pesky felines, but as he wasn’t a very fast runner he never succeeded – and I’m not at all sure he would have known what to do with one if he had caught it!
I’m sure there will be more canine adventures to come once Miss Daisy has recovered her bounce and is busy getting into mischief again – and I’ll be sure to keep you posted. But until then, thank you all so much once again for your very kind wishes – they mean such a lot to me at this sad time.
As I read your sad news about Ben, I am reminded of the dogs I have lost. Just last Christmas someone at our church paid for another Lhasa Apso for us after having lost the 4th one at the age of 15. A very sad day indeed…….A happy one followed a month later with another Lhasa Apso.
I can feel your pain. Dogs only want to love us and be loved. That is their mission in their life and they succeed every time, don’t they?! They leave an indelible imprint on our heart that forever stays with us. They do love us with all their might just like we do.
I am so very sorry for your loss my friend, Gloria
Thank you Gloria, and I’m so pleased you now have a new young family member in your life. We never forget the old ones, and love our new youngsters just as much. One day there will be a baby brother for Daisy, but not for quite some time yet. Xx
Have not read about Bens adventures on your blog but just wanted to say how sorry I am that you have had to say goodbye, it is never easy. We have lost a few of our friends over the years and it is such a sadness.
Thank you so much Sue. Xxx
Oh dear Helen, I’m so sad to hear of Ben’s passing. I began following you shortly before you got Ben. He and my Newfie “Gabriel” are the exact same age. Ben’s lovely spirit will continue on on your heart and as you remember all of his adventures.
Sending hugs to you from across the pond, and my 3 Newfies send Woofs and slobbers to you and Daisy.
Hi Jennifer, yes I remember you talking about Gabriel, I hope he’s well and will be with you for a while yet. Ben’s body was quite simply worn out, I wish the giant breeds weren’t so short lived, but still he had a great life doing all the things he lived the most xx
É muito difícil quando um “amigo” nosso se vai…. Sei porque já passei por isso duas vezes, não é fácil. Deus a abençoe muito.
Helen, I’m sure you’ve heard of the Rainbow Bridge, but in case you haven’t, here’s the link
I have sewn this out into a wall hanging on my embroidery machine and I read it often. It helps me even tho I cry every time I read it. I hope it helps you too!
Thank you so much Linda, such a lovely poem and a comfort too xx
I am so sorry for your loss, I lost my sweet little girl the day before Thanksgiving.
It hurts but we will always remember them and they are with us always.
I am so sorry Carol, they are part of the family and though in Ben’s case I knew his time was coming it still hurts. Sending love to you xx
Dear Helen. So sorry to hear that Ben is no longer with you. I’m sure he will be sorely missed and it’s going to take some time. We had to let go of our border collie Sam, who was 15, in August. Still miss him 💖🤗
Thank you Petra, and I’m so sorry to hear about Sam. I wish our furry friends lived as long as we do xx
My heart feels for you Helen.l know what it is like to lose a furry family member. I will miss Bens adventures but l am sure Miss Daisy will help everyone overcome this sad time. Joy Richards.
Thank you Joy, and I’m sure Daisy and I will be off on some new adventures in the spring xx
I’m so very sorry to hear about the passing of Ben, it’s so very hard losing our dear fur babies. I still cry over fur babies that have passed over 10 years ago, in fact, I get tearful reading or hearing about others losing their fur babies.
Thank you Carmen, you’re very kind – they do indeed leave pawprints on our hearts xx