The last few weeks have been quite stressful – not only moving house, but worrying so much about Daisy’s illness, to the extent that I’ve been known to poke her with my finger just to check she’s still breathing when she’s been very deeply asleep. As she’d been so very ill, I was told back at the beginning of June that the prognosis was around six months and of course we are now already a month into that time. I have been very diligent about giving her all her meds – she’s on 17 tablets a day, which she graciously agrees to swallow IF they are hidden in small pieces of chicken breast. And of course Ben has to have some too (without the concealed tablets of course!) which means we’re getting through a LOT of chicken breasts!!

All this means that I’ve been feeling rather nervous about her scheduled heart scan with our new vet. (He is a cardiology specialist – we’re so lucky to have him nearby in Frome). Her appointment was for this morning and, after being booked in, Daisy was quickly led away and all I could do was wait for news. That hour felt like forever, but eventually Daisy and her vet re-emerged, and he was smiling! It was the best possible news! She is responding really well to all those meds, and her heart is now working at 75% of normal. She still has a very irregular heart beat, but her heart is much stronger than it was. He told me that he was optimistic that she could be with us for another two or three years rather than the initial six months I was told to expect.

I am so happy!! She will need to be on drugs for the rest of her life of course, but she’s not in any pain at all and although she tires more easily than she did, she can still do all the things she loves, just not for so long, or so energetically. Well done Daisy!! And thank you everyone so much for all your positive thoughts and prayers, I’m sure they helped her through.
That’s the big positive news – but today has also been a VERY GOOD DAY for another reason entirely. I have been busy sorting out my new house and turning it into our home – which has involved some curtain-making. Today I hung my first pair and the curtains are exactly the same length! Woop woop! as Rosie would say. There’s always that moment of doubt – or there is for me anyway, as even the tiniest amount is totally obvious when they’re drawn. But these are perfectly aligned and I am feeling proud. I’ll post some pictures another time as it’s evening now, and as my cottage has thick stone walls, the rooms grow dark quickly. Only three more pairs to go ……
WONDERFUL WONDERFUL WONDERFUL NEWS. I am so pleased for you all. You must feel so relieved. Hopefully Daisy doesn’t tire of chicken or tuna – lol
So very happy to hear the good “Daisey” news. The love we feel for our dogs is endless. Never want them to suffer. Will pray for many more years for you to love her!!
That is wonderful news for Daisy.
That’s really good news, well done to Daisy, and well done on the curtain making, I know the feeling when you hang them, stand back and look, the relief……………
Helen, I couldn’t be happier for Daisy. Sending hugs and kisses from Wisconsin.
So happy to hear Daisy is responding well, what a weight off your mind. Sadly my dad’s dog passed away suddenly this morning, such a heartache for all of us. Give Daisy and Ben extra hugs tonight.
Excellent news about the curtains though, I love it when a plan comes together lol xx
Yay Daisy!!
So, so happy to hear of your good news with regard to Daisy’s heart scan. Hopefully, in the near future something new will come along to give Daisy the opportunity to live a long, happy life.
Delighted to hear that Daisy’s scan was so promising. She looks such a lovely girl and is so young that it was tragic to think that she might not see out this year. Now you can all settle into your new home with the comforting knowledge that Daisy will be around for the foreseeable future.
I am so happy for you and Daisy! Big hugs form East Central Illinois, USA. 🙂
I’m so thrilled that Daisy’s report was positive. I am very much a pet lover and know how it can affect you when they’re not well. I have an 10 yr old Boxer and her hips are giving her problems, I have her on meds too, but it hurts me to see her uncomfortable.. Just have to LOVE them to pieces. Glad you’re moved and settling in – it just takes a bit to do it all. My best to ya’all..Give the babies a BIG OL’ HUG from me (in Edmond, Oklahoma)
Wonderful news regarding Daisy!!! I’m so happy for you!
X Linda
Helen, that’s the absolutely best new for Daisy! I’m so happy for you and her. Hugs. ♥
Three cheers for Daisy’s stronger-than-expected heart!
What great news about Daisy! I know you will love having her as long as possible.
Congrats on the curtains, too – always satisfying to make something you actually like when it is finished.
🙂 Linda
Fabulous news so pleased she has improved. My jack Russell has an irregular heartbeat and I was the same as you checking all the time to see if he was still breathing, he has had it for a year now but still does everything he used to do, we want him to have as normal a life as possible and to enjoy it, and how do you stop a dog running around like a loon when it’s time for his food! He is 14 though so part of old age for him, he is also a cancer survivor. I have everything crossed that Daisy will go on to have a long and happy life. xx
Oh Helen that is the most wonderful news about Daisy.
There is nothing worse than curtains not matching, I made some years ago. They matched but……..they sloped so it was arched shaped after they were drawn!
Julie xxxxx
I’m so glad Daisy’s feeling a bit better. I don’t really think she’ll mind taking 17 pills a day for the rest of her life if they’re hidden in yummy chunks of chicken and tuna!
Wonderful news about Daisy x
I’m so happy with you!
What fabulous news about Daisy… that must be a weight off your mind and now you will be able to concentrate on getting your new home sorted! Good luck with the rest of the curtains! 🙂 x
Absolutely splendid news! Give her a pat from Foxy and I.
wooohooo, this is wonderful news all around.
So so pleased that the nrews about Daisy’s scan was so positive!! Looking forward to seeing you making your new house a home.☺
Such lovely news!! So,pleased. Well done on the curtains too!!!
WOOHOO!! Awesome news – I am SO happy for you, Ben and Daisy!
Congratulations! What a huge relief! I am so, so happy for you all! God bless!
Hi Helen,
So very, very pleased, and relieved for you, to hear the wonderful news about Daisy. It’s great to hear you have a heart specialist vet. close to you. Fingers crossed that Daisy continues to respond to her medication.
Glad the curtain hanging went well, too.
Lots of love to you all,
I am a true, true animal lover(esp. dogs) I was so glad to read this & here I am shedding tears of oy for you & Daisy. God has heard us all.
Wonderful news about Daisy. We are so happy for you all… Hope the moving in is continuing to go well
Jill & Typhoon Tilly in Australia
Yah! So, so happy for Daisy! What great news! We are so happy. And well done too on the curtains.
Hi Helen, I am so pleased to hear that Daisy is responding well to her meds and that already she is showing an improvement, your relief must be tremendous.
I’m also pleased that your curtain lengths match, fingers crossed for the others!
Take care, Ann.
Fantastic news, glad the treatment is working.
Well done on the curtains
Excellent news!!!! :0) Daisy has the best “mum”! We’re happy for you Helen, very happy. God Bless
Excellent news!!!! :0) Daisy has the best “mum”! We’re happy for you Helen, very happy. God Bless you all
I am very happy with the news …. hoping all end well.