It’s lovely living so close to Bath. It’s such a beautiful city, so when Rosie asked me to come along and look after Freddie while she was at the dentist I leapt at the chance! We waved Rosie goodbye for an hour, then Freddie and I set off for a little look around. I must admit my pram steering skills are a little rusty, but luckily the tiny occupant didn’t seem to mind too much! There’s always something interesting to spot, especially if you look up …

I don’t think this building has been used as a hospital for many many years, but the details are still there, beautifully carved into the stonework 10 feet or so above pavement level. We passed the Pump Rooms on our way ….
Surprisingly quiet today! Bath is a very compact city – see how close the wooded slopes above the city are to the centre – that sits in a round cup-shaped valley surrounded by low hills, and there’s a National Trust walk – the Bath Skyline Walk – that takes you all around the perimeter. I think it’s about 6 or 7 miles though, so it will have to wait until I’m feeling a little more energetic! Today I had a different destination in mind ….
Yummy bread and delicious pastries from the Bertinet Bakery! A large rustling paper bag soon found its way into the pram carrier! I remember being very sad when Rosie finally gave up using her pushchair and I had to start carrying my own shopping again – so this was a very welcome rediscovery!
Of course while we were all off enjoying ourselves in Bath those poor unloved neglected Newfies (their thoughts not mine- they were so sulky when I returned from my trip into Bath) were left at home – so today I took them on a lovely walk through Harridge Woods – the closest to my house – just a mile down the road …
The bluebells are in full bloom now – these are the true English variety – such a intense shade of purplish blue ….
Though even more abundant were the ransoms or wild garlic – I wrote an article about these for the May Bustle & Sew Magazine – so it was lovely to see them in “real life” for the first time this year …..
Stretching away into the distance – the woods were absolutely carpeted with them and the smell was so pungent …
As usual Ben and Daisy became totally fed up and very impatient as I stopped to take photos ….
Daisy as usual is leading the way – though quite why she decided to stop and sample the garlic I’m not certain ….
You can tell by the look on her face that the experiment wasn’t a great success!! And of course Ben had to finish off the walk – we were nearly back at the car – by finding a muddy stream to paddle in!
He has the largest, muddiest paws in the whole of Somerset I think! And in spite of all these excursions I have managed to finish the first project for the June Magazine – most appropriate in view of the wonderful sunny weather we’ve been enjoying for the past few days …..
A great way to use up your scraps and a fun design for summer!
Haha Daisy. How cute and funny! I love history! And isn’t it amazing what you can see when you walk!
We have an entire city in Northern Californis that grows garlic which has a garlic festival every year. Just driving close to Gilroy and through it the smell is so strong – too strong for me where I haven’t had a desire to visit.
P.S. I want to come live near you!
Oops that should say California.
Haha!! xxx
You are very welcome Valerie – and if you’re ever visiting England do be sure to pop in and say hello xx
Official Gilroy Garlic Festival site….everything garlic lol!
P.S. Happy Mother’s Day to you!
Thanks Valerie – we had our Mothers Day a while ago now and I must admit I was totally spoiled xx
Bath is one of my very favourite cities, so much to see looking up and down on the buildings. Somewhere I have a photo of an advertising sign which was painted on a brick wall in Bath.
I have ‘real’ English Bluebells and Wild Garlic growing wild in my garden along with Primroses
Julie xxxxxxx
Yes, it always pays to look up in a city – and down in your garden – two of my favourite blooms lucky you! x