Rosie’s little goldendoodle, Tilly, has been staying with us for a few days – and getting herself and Daisy into lots of mischief. I can put up with their squabbling over whichever toy is the current favourite. I don’t even much mind being woken at 6.30 am by kisses from Daisy and Tilly jumping up onto the bed – but I do draw the line at their going into my workroom. This is because I do not trust them to be good when they are together and also though Tilly doesn’t shed fur Daisy does, and I don’t especially want my latest project to be covered in fine black fluffy hairs that have to be carefully removed before I can proceed.
But this visit they were particularly naughty. I was downstairs and the first I knew of their goings-on was a loud crash – before two furry bodies flashed past me at high speed – no that’s not quite true – one speedy and athletic golden dog flashed past me at high speed, followed several seconds later by a black furry body galloping as fast as her rather slow and clumsy legs would carry her. Leaving them to recover outside I headed upstairs and into my workroom only to discover that my scrap basket had been emptied and the now slightly soggy contents scattered across the carpet, whilst the loud crash was my button tin bursting open as it hit the floor (probably dislodged by a sweep of Daisy’s wonky – but very substantial – tail). Chaos!! And amongst it all lay my latest completed project, looking rather squashed! Luckily I was able to dust it down and reassemble it before tidying up the rest of the mess. So now I proudly present to you (no thanks to the naughty canine pair) …..

Just a little patchwork, some simple embroidery and a tail decorated with some of my prettiest scraps (the unchewed ones). I think my vintage style kite will look rather nice in my new bedroom above the bed, whilst one made from different fabrics would be lovely for a child’s room. I do hope you like it, and the pattern will be in the May issue of the magazine (out on Thursday 28th).
And as for the two furry partners in crime … well, they got away with it of course – but I will be sure to keep my workroom door firmly closed from now on!
Oh my goodness, your post sure put a smile on my face this morning. It’s lovely to hear Daisy is enjoying life to the fullest haha. I can just imagine the chaos the pair of them are causing and then those sweet innocent faces – it wasn’t us, honest.
My chocolate brown Burmese cat Coco insists on sitting on my knee when I am stitching. Needless to say everything is impregnated with hair. Thank goodness it’s not too much trouble to pull out but sometimes it would be nice if she sat on my husbands knee. He tries his best to entice her but to no avail. Mum’s knee is best it seems.
And we wouldn’t have it any other way would we ??
Hi Pam, yes she’s doing so well on her medication, I’m delighted with her progress. She’ll be on it for ever of course, but it means she can lead a fairly normal life, complete with total naughtiness when her partner in crime Miss Tilly comes to stay. xx
I’m wondering what Ben was up to during all the chaos.
I am pleased to be able to tell you that Ben was being A VERY GOOD DOG! He’s rather senior now and spends much of the day snoozing happily on his bed. xx
Awww….too cute. I love how you describe their hasty departure from the scene of the crime!
Haha yes, I think the sound of the button tin crashing to the floor frightened the naughty pair! xx
Awwww those funny little scamps! What a cute story! Glad no one was hurt. And I just love love love your kite, simply adorbs! I look forward to more “adventures with Daisy” stories, haha, too cute!
Aw, thanks Valerie – it was lucky to survive I think!! I took the newfies up to our village playing field this morning and Daisy had a lovely time sniffing out the cute baby bunnies. No hope at all of catching them of course, in fact I am sure they were playing a game as they were judging perfectly how close they could let her approach before darting off into the safety of the hedgerow. Ben of course maintained a dignified lack of interest, being much more interested in flirting with a rather attractive young labrador called Molly! xx
Hello Helen,
Sorry, but I’m still laughing! It’s very hard to be cross with them when they make you smile, isn’t it?
There’s black hairs from our two black Alsatian girls in my patchwork all the time – I look on it as added warmth!
Love to you all,
Haha, that’s a good way to see it! Hugs back to you all too xxx