It’s all very exciting – every month Mollie Makes magazine generously offers its readers a free gift. This month the gift is a pretty embroidered necklace – designed by Bustle & Sew! If you head off down to your local newsagent or supermarket you’ll discover…..

And yes, that’s our kit on the front…..

A pretty embroidered necklace in shades of peach and pink. There’s everything you need to stitch your own necklace, and full instructions inside the magazine itself. They’ve even included a picture of me (eek)…..

Though luckily it’s very small (I hate having my photo taken). And finally, if you do stitch the necklace from your Mollie Makes kit I’d love to see a picture.
I recently found this embroidery kit, however it did not come with the original magazine with the instructions. Is there a way i can get the instructions? i am located in Australia.
Many Thanks
Hi Amy, the pattern was in either the July or August 2018 edition (I can’t exactly remember) of Mollie Makes magazine. I’ve moved house since then and don’t have my copy any more, but back copies are available digitally. Hope this helps