This weekend the sun shone, the birds sang and there was hardly a cloud in the sky – all this after a week of violent and torrential thunderstorms that soaked my garden and has made everything grow with great enthusiasm!

Last week when I was taking photos for the June Magazine, I popped outside with one of the projects – the Marching Elephant cushion – as I thought it looked so pretty against the garden. You can see the purple plant it’s resting on (not too sure of the name) was just about to come into bloom – but just look at it now…

Such a lovely vivid mass of purple-blue blooms. And I’m rather proud of my willow plant support….

I made it myself!! Last autumn I went to a willow-weaving session held by our local Gardening Society up at the village hall and had great fun weaving willow stems in and out and round and round to make my obelisk, as well as enjoying lots of cups of tea and chatter with fellow-attendees. I’m very much hoping that there will be a repeat session this year – and plan to be the first to put my name down if so.

Not all my geraniums survived the cold winter months – remember when everywhere looked like this….
Less than three months ago! Though I think Daisy much preferred the colder weather!

I would much rather be enjoying my garden without its snowy cover! I’ve been enjoying sewing in the gazebo too – a lot of this pennant (another project for the June Magazine) was stitched there….

Embroidered blossoms as well as real ones! The quote is, of course, from Mary Poppins – and was great fun to stitch – I think it will make a good tongue-in-cheek gift for a good friend. If you’d like to embroider your own pennant, then you can find the pattern here.
Your garden is absolutely beautiful, Helen, and I confess, I’ve noticed your willow obelisk in a few of your spring garden photos. I love it! In fact I’m really quite envious!
XX Linda B.
Thanks so much Linda – it was really easy to make – it was noticeable that there was another stitcher amongst the class, who also found the weaving aspect easy – perhaps it’s weaving in all those loose ends haha! xx
Love the cushion, which is on I think Campanula. Your garden is so pretty
Julie xxxxx
Thanks Julie – but I didn’t see an email from you? xx