I think it’s fair to say that this year hasn’t got off to the best possible start. After at least 15 years of my using its platform, Facebook has disabled my account. There is no right of appeal they tell me, their decision is final. And not only that, I have also completely lost any access to the Bustle & Sew Facebook page. This has all come about because my FB account was hacked (I still have no idea how as I’m positive I followed all the security recommendations).
I am lucky however in that the hackers weren’t able to access any additional online information, thanks in no small part to our IT company who originally set up all my systems up with incredibly strict security protocols. So please rest assured that no customer data (we don’t hold much in any case, just names, email addresses, order history, and absolutely NO financial data) has been accessed. All of this is locked up behind multiple passwords and verification codes. Additionally, we have always used third party payment processors so Bustle & Sew has NEVER had access to customers’ financial data.
For the moment at least though, and almost certainly forever, we can’t get back into the Bustle & Sew FB page. So it won’t be moderated or updated, and please don’t try to contact us through there as we won’t receive your messages.
And that, as they say, is certainly enough of that. I’m not sure what will happen next regarding our social media, but Instagram is still up and running normally, as is our Pinterest account. Our Etsy shop is also unaffected as is this website.

It’s at times like this that I find the soothing repetitive motions of hand stitching particularly comforting, and so I’ve been making good progress on the patterns (above) for the February edition of the Bustle & Sew Magazine.
Although it’s still very early in the season I’ve noticed that the garden birds already seem to be beginning to pair up, visiting our feeders in couples, seemingly reluctant to be separated from one another. One bird that still does visit on its own however is the woodpecker that seems to particularly enjoy swinging from the seed and nut feeders. The one I’ve stitched that you can see above visits us regularly, a Greater Spotted woodpecker. He really is this colourful – whoever said that English birds are all brown and boring was definitely wide of the mark!
And finally, carbs being another thing that I’ve found very comforting during this most trying of times, I thought I’d leave you with our favourite recipe for Toad in the Hole. This is the Engineer’s speciality and I’m looking forward to enjoying it for supper tonight….

Toad in the Hole (serves 4)
Heat your oven to 220C. Place 8 good quality sausages in a 20 x 30 cm roasting tin with a tablespoon of cooking oil. Bake for 10-15 minutes until browned.
Meanwhile make the batter. Tip 140g plain flour into a bowl with 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Make a well in the centre and crack 2 eggs into it. Use an electric whisk to whisk it all together, then slowly add 175 ml of semi-skimmed milk, whisking all the time. Leave to stand while the sausages are browning.
Remove the sausages from the oven. Be careful because the fat will be sizzling hot, but if it isn’t put the pan on the hob for a few minutes until it is. Carefully pour in the batter, transfer to the top shelf of the oven, then cook for 25-30 minutes until risen and golden. Serve hot with vegetables and gravy.
I’m so sorry FB did this to you. How frustrating. You certainly handled telling the news with grace. Most people would not told the story so kindly!
I wish I knew someone there who could help you. If there is anything we as readers can do please let us know.
Thanks Jan, you’re very kind x
I’m so sorry to hear of your FB hacking problem. I’ve enjoyed so many things on social media for years, but I am ever increasingly fed up with all the platforms. I barely look at FB anymore. It seems a handful of people are making gobs of money from social media, and the rest of us are suffering in so many ways trying to use the various platforms. My only suggestion is to forget FB, and use your other platforms, for as long as they work. It’s frustrating to read that you did everything you could to keep your account safe but the evil hackers still ruined things for you. Good luck. Funny how old-fashioned books feel so safe and comforting now.
They do indeed, thank you for you good wishes x
I just happened to hear a story about hacking sponsored by the Chinese government on The World, a US news program. This story is long but interesting to listen to. And chilling.
Thank you Cat I will listen as you suggest