Displaying my feedsack scraps

I love my feedsack scraps. I am an avid hoarder, feeling that if anything so flimsy has survived for so long it deserves to be put to good use. Many scraps find their way into projects, but others, seemingly too small to be incorporated (though you’d be surprised!) languish at the bottom of my scrap basket for months, even years. A SCRAP DESERVES BETTER!
Now I cannot pretend this idea is mine. I first read about it when spending a self indulgent afternoon hopping from craft blog to craft blog (wonderful bliss!) whilst Townie Husband was at the rugby. I cannot however remember the name of the blog where I first saw the idea. So if you are out there and happen to read this please do make yourself known and I’ll be happy to give you the credit. I cannot even find you on Google.
Having the idea for this project planted in my brain I needed vintage wooden cotton reels. But I didn’t have any until … last weekend a rummage in my favourite charity shop revealed ….!!!!!

Yes, a large bag of beautiful wooden reels for 50p! (that’s under $1). So of course I snaffled them up, took them home, emptied them out and matched some of them to some scraps. Because I am that sort of person I carefully turned under the long raw edges of the scraps, though they’d probably look just as nice with raw edges. Then I taped the short edges to the wooden spool at the back. This way if I want to use the scraps for a future project I can simply remove the sticky tape without damaging the fabric

Then I heaped some of them up artistically, (well sort of anyway) and took this photo for you to see. Easy peasy. What a great idea I found. And now I can enjoy looking at my scraps as well as sewing with them. Bliss.


Midsummer Stitches

What a lovely idea! I wonder how many of us are off to have a go.They make a lovely display!


I love my feedsack scraps too!
I love this idea with the cotton reels!
You've set my mind working overtime now, as to what to do with my scraps!

all kinds of everything

My scraps are hidden in a shoe box. But not for long….What a lovely idea!


what a brilliant idea! i have spools that i cannot throw away, and i have tiny scraps i cannot throw away as well! kind of like the reeses peanut butter cup of sewing…two great things coming together. ;]


I love what you did with the wooden spools and scraps. Happy days to you.


Oh my two of my loves… old wooden spools and feedsack cloth! ahhh
another brilliant idea!


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